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As regards the New Zealand Times newspaper, your Committee recommend that the publisher be fined in the sum of £25. LYTTELTON TIMES. With respect to the order of reference of Wednesday, the 16th September, relating to the publication by the Lyttelton Times of similar matter to that published by the New Zealand Times, your Committee considered the correspondence referred to them, and were of opinion that it was not necessary to call evidence thereon, the facts being sufficiently disclosed by the correspondence in question. Although a breach of privilege has been committed, they are of opinion that, in view of the whole circumstances, the case will be met by cautioning the editor as to the necessity for exercising greater care in the future in regard to the publication of information which by reasonable inquiry would have been discovered to be of a confidential and privileged nature. J. A. Millab, 23rd September, 1903. Chairman.


Thubsday, 10th Sbptbmbee, 1903. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Massey, Mr. Millar, Sir W. E. Eussell, Et. Hon. E. J. Seddon, Mr. Speaker, Hon. Sir W. J. Steward. The order of reference was read by the Clerk. On the motion of the Hon. Sir W. J. Steward, Mr. Millar was elected Chairman of the Committee. It was resolved, on the motion of the Et. Hon. E. J. Seddon, That the editor, the publisher, and parliamentary reporters of the New Zealand Times, Mr. Hogben (Secretary for Education and Inspector-General of Schools), the Government Printer, and the Clerk to the Education Committee be summoned to attend before this Committee at 11 a.m. to-morrow, Friday, the 11th instant. The Committee then adjourned.

Fkiday, 11th September, 1903. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Millar (Chairman), Mr. Massey, Sir W. E. Eussell, Et. Hon. E. J. Seddon, Mr. Speaker, Hon. Sir W. J. Steward. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. It was resolved, on the motion of the Et. Hon. E. J. Seddon, That the Chairman ask leave of the House to amend the order of reference by adding thereto the following words : "three to form a quorum." The following witnesses were called, sworn, and examined, their evidence being taken down by a shorthand reporter: Mr. J. L. Kelly, editor of the New Zealand Times; Mr. M. E. Bannister, publisher of the New Zealand Times; Mr. P. J. Nolan, chief reporter for the New Zealand Times ; Mr. Emil Schwabe, reporter for the New Zealand Times ; Mr. J. Mackay, Government Printer; Mr. G. Hogben, Secretary for Education and Inspector-General of Schools; Mr. P. H. C. Pirani, clerk to the Education Committee; Mr. E. Y. Bedward, clerk to the Crown Law Officers; Sir E. O. Gibbes, Assistant Secretary for Education; and L. Wilkes, clerk in the Education Department. (See Minutes of Evidence.) It was resolved, That Mr. J. Barr, Mr. J. 0. Browne, Mr. G. P. Brown (reporters for the New Zealand Times), and Mr. Le Grove (parliamentary Committee reporter) be summoned to attend this Committee at 11 a.m. to-morrow (Saturday), the 12th instant. The Committee then adjourned.

Satueday, 12th Septbmbee, 1903. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Millar (Chairman), Mr. Massey, Et. Hon. E. J. Seddon, Mr. Speaker, Hon. Sir W. J. Steward. The order of reference appointing a quorum of three was read. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The following witnesses were called, sworn, and examined, their evidence being taken down by a shorthand reporter: Mr. J. Barr, reporter, New Zealand Times; Mr. J. O. Browne, reporter, Neiu Zealand Times ; Mr. G. P. Brown, reporter, New Zealand Times ; Mr. E. J. Le Grove, parliamentary Committee reporter. (See Minutes of Evidence.) A letter from Mr. Hogben, Secretary for Education, showing how many of the papers in question were received by his Department, and how disposed of, was read. (See Appendix A.) It was resolved, That Mr. E. Schwabe be summoned to again attend this Committee at 11 a.m. on Tuesday next, the 15th instant. The Committee then adjourned.