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As the Government are acquiring property and plant which cost the company upwards of £27,000, and which is now good value for at least £14,000, in payment of a debt of £4,470 or thereabouts, I must say that in my opinion the company's case is being dealt with very harshly. In view of the Premier's promise, that he would support the company's petition for relief from liability for deficiency, I venture to express the hope that this promise will be redeemed by his Government giving effect to the recommendation of the Railways Committee. Yours, &c, W. H. Haegeeaves, Liquidator. T. W. Stringer, Esq., Crown Solicitor, Christchurch.

The Westport-Cardiff Coal Company (Limited), (in liquidation), Christchurch, sth January, 1901. Sic, — The Grown and the Company. lam in receipt of your letter of the 4th instant and note its contents. lam quite willing to carry out the arrangements for transfer of the company's property, in terms of my letter to you of the 11th December last, and feel assured that you will do the justice of agreeing with me that I have never desired to depart from that position. I will at once sign the transfer, after perusing it with Mr. Fisher, and shall be obliged if you will kindly forward a copy of my letter of the 11th December to the Government. Thanking you for your courtesy in this matter, Yours, &c, W. H. Haegeeaves, Liquidator. T. W. Stringer, Esq., Crown Solicitor, Christchurch.

The Westport-Cardiff Coal Company (Limited), (in liquidation), Sir,— Christchurch, 30th October, 1903. On receipt of yours of the 27th instant I wired you as follows : namely, " If required will leave to-night give evidence," and received your reply, " Thanks, at present no necessity." I then wired you to " Ask production my letters to Stringer, 22nd November, 11th December, 1900, and sth January, 1901, also letters to Mines Department, 20th and 27th October instant, re wire," and now confirm same. In accordance with your request, I now enclose copies of letters to Mr. Stringer respecting the transfer of plant, by which you will see that, although the Government would not agree to the reservation clause being inserted in the deed of transfer, I made the reservation in writing, whilst signing the transfer under compulsion. Yours, &c, W. H. Haegeeaves, Liquidator. A. D. Bayfeild, Esq., Wellington. P.S.—See Eliott re my letters about telephone-wire. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given ; printing (1,425 copies), £6 lis.

Price 6d.] By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington. —1903.