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Chairman, Coal-mines Committee, Wellington. sth August, 1903. Strongly protest against the eight-hours-bank-to-bank proposal. Our men are earning good wages under existing conditions and are quite contented. Kiripaka Coal Company. 4th August, 1903. Chairman, Coal-mines Committee, Government Buildings, Wellington. Proposed amendment Coal-mines Act re eight hours from bank to bank would so seriously affect Ngunguru Company's mine that we would certainly have to close down. Prices cannot be advanced, as market is glutted with coke and Newcastle coal. Our coastal coal-vessels are idle in consequence ; so my directors trust, in the interests of both masters and men, such an extra handicap will not be enacted. E. Ford, Secretary. sth August, 1903. J. Colvin, M.H.R., Chairman, Mines Committee, Wellington. Local coal-owners strongly protest against clauses 2 and 3 Mr. McKenzie's Bill, restriction of hours clause 2 Mr. Colvin's. The proposals mean reducing output 7 per cent. Dead loss to companies, cost of production and maintenance remaining same. Arbitration Court should decide length and distribution of working-time and definition of " miner." Court specially created settle industrial disputes. If any grievance miners should bring it before Court. Re ventilation : should be left as at present. Proposed amendment unworkable. Signed on behalf of Otago and Southland collieries, Jas. M. E. Garrow, Secretary, Otago Employers' Association. The Chairman of the Goldfields and Mines Committee, Wellington. The Miners' Union respectfully urge on you to support McKenzie's Amendment Bill re hours of labour in mines. J. Slevin, Secretary, Waihi. James Colvin, Esq., M.H.R., Chairman of the Goldfields and Mines Committee, Wellington. We earnestly hope you will support Mr. McKenzie's Bill re hours of labour in mines. Hollows, Secretary, Miners' Union, Kaitangata. James Colvin, Esq., M.H.R., Chairman, Goldfields and Mines Committee. I am instructed by the Trades and Labour Council, Westland, to urge upon your Committee the urgent necessity of recommending the amendment of the Mining Acts re the hours of labour in mines, as provided in the Bill introduced by Mr. McKenzie, M.H.R. There are seven miners' unions affiliated to our Council, with a membership of upwards of two thousand. Henry Betts, Secretary. Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (1,425 copies), lis. 6d

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o3. Price 9d.]