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The New Zealand Shipping Company (Limited), Sib,— Christchuech, 22nd October, 1903. I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 16th instant, with reference to a reduction in the freight on butter from New Zealand to London. We agree with you that a continuance of the correspondence on the subject would lead to no useful result, and I am directed to ask if it would be convenient for you to receive representatives of Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company, and this company, to discuss your proposal to place New Zealand shippers of butter on the same footing as shippers from Victoria. If Wednesday next would suit you, I could leave Lyttelton by Tuesday night's steamer. May I ask you to kindly telegraph a reply ? I have, &c, Isaac Gibbs, General Manager. The Hon. the Minister of Industries and Commerce, Wellington.

(Telegram.) In reply to your letter twenty-second instant, I shall be pleased to see you at my office on Wednesday next at twelve noon. J. G. Waed. Isaac Gibbs, Esquire, New Zealand Shipping Company (Limited), Christchurch.

The New Zealand Shipping Company (Limited), Sir,— Christchurch, 27th October, 1903. Eeferring to your letter of the 16th instant, on the subject of freight on dairy-produce, I am instructed by the directors of this company to place on record the present position. The butter-producers in Australia pay fd. per pound net freight on butter, whereas the New Zealand producers only pay fd. per pound less 2f per cent. ; and, further, the Australian producers have to put their butter alongside the steamer at their own expense, whereas the New Zealand producers get the coastal freight paid for them by the shipping companies. It is therefore clear that the New Zealand producers are already getting their butter carried at a lower rate of freight, and with further considerable allowances, than are obtained by their Australian competitors. The special rate quoted for the parcel of stored butter from Victoria is, we are informed, no longer obtainable, and this is confirmed by the recent Press Association telegram published in the New Zealand papers, as follows : " The agents of the White Star Line have received advice that the offer to carry butter at fd. per pound has been withdrawn." As arranged by telegraph, I am leaving Lyttelton to-night to interview you at noon to-morrow, in accordance with your appointment. I have, &c, Isaac Gibbs, The Hon. the Minister of Industries and General Manager. Commerce, Wellington.

(Memorandum.) Wellington, 28th October, 1903. The interview referred to took place, at which it was shown to me that no reduction in butterfreights from Australia, as reported, had taken place. J. G. Ward. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,425 copies), £3 10s.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o3. Price 6d.~\