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ably with the Californian hops. The exporters will no doubt hear from these breweries. Homecrown hops are extremely low-priced this year, being quoted at £1 10s. per cwt., the lowest point they have yet touched. The Californian merchants are now booking orders for next season at the rate of from £3 10s. to £4 10s. per cwt. c.i.f. Britain, Wood-pulp. After full inquiry into this trade, and careful investigation as to prices, &c, I have come to the conclusion that in the meantime it would not be wise to start this industry m New Zealand. In an interview with the manager of the Killner-Partington Paper-pulp Company—one of the largest firms in the trade—l learned that the manufacture of wood-pulp requires very expensive machinery and that the price of the pulp in Manchester is only £5 per ton, and I am convinced that for the present at least we cannot compete in this line against Norway and Canada. lam forwarding to the Department samples of wood-pulp and pamphlets relating to the trade. From Manchester I proceeded to Hull, where I met some more timber-merchants and cabinetmakers who are large buyers of fancy woods and high-class timbers suitable for the furniture trade I also had the pleasure of meeting several shareholders of the Orepuki shale-works, who were very pleased to see me, and to whom I was able to give information as to the progress of their works in New Zealand. Glasgow. I revisited several of the produce-merchants in Glasgow, and gave them full information about New Zealand produce, particularly cheese and butter. After long conversations several shippers announced to me their intention of proceeding to New Zealand to make arrangements with exporters for a direct supply to Glasgow. My time being limited, owing to the arrangements made for proceeding to the Last, 1 had not many opportunities of'opening up communications with new merchants, and had to confine myself mostly to keeping the engagements I had made, as mentioned above. lam fully convinced that more could have been done towards building up the present New Zealand import trade, and towards openin« out fresh sources of trade, had the time at my disposal permitted. I teave London to-day for Liverpool, whence I sail on Saturday, the 31st instant, en route for the East per s.s. " Btruria " vid America. I have, &c, J. Graham Gow, The Hon. Sir Joseph G. Ward, K.C.M.G., New Zealand Trade Commissioner. Minister of Industries and Commerce, Wellington, New Zealand.

E.—WORKS OF REFERENCE. The following commercial publications are on hand at the Head Office of the Industries and Commerce Department, and are available there for public reference : — Ceylon Handbook and Directory for 1902. Canadian Trade Index. 1901. South African Trade. General. By T. Nichol Jenkin. 1902. South African Trade. Engineering. By Ben. H. Morgan 1902. South African Trade. Textile and Soft Goods. By S. W. Witham. 1903. ■ Annual Report of the Co-operative Wholesale Societies (Limited), England and Scotland. 1902. The Delagoa Directory (Lorenzo Marques). 1902. The Shippers' Guide to South and East Africa. _ General View of Commerce and Industry in the Empire of Japan. Prepared by the Pans International Exposition of 1900. _ American Trade Index. Published by the National Association of Manutacturers, Philadelphia, P.A., U.S.A. 1900. Sources of the Agricultural Imports of the United States. 1896-1900. Distribution of the Agricultural Exports of the United States. 1896-1900. Export Hand Adressbuch yon Deutschland. 1902-3. Report upon the Trade of Kobe, Japan. 1901 ~ a uw • , • - lt Annual Report, Chamber of Commerce, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, containing complete Trade Returns and Statistics. 1902. Annual Report, Chamber of Commerce, Durban, South Africa. 1902. Guide to South African Ports. Issued by William Cotts and Co. 1901. South African Customs Union Tariff. 1902. Regulations of the Port and Harbour of Natal. Report of Port Captain, Colony of Natal. 1902. China Imperial Maritime Customs. Return of Trade and Trade Reports. 1901. Tariff and Regulations, Port Elizabeth Harbour Board. Engineer's Report, Natal Harbour-works. 1900. Straits Settlements: Return of Imports and Exports for 1901. Tables relating to Trade of British India with British Possessions and Foreign Countries up to 1901. Review of the Trade of India up to 1901. Report of the Annual Meeting of the Associated Chambers of Commerce ot the United Kingdom held in London, March, 1903.