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Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Meat, Distribution of. A. Wilkie Meat, Soluble extract of. A. G. Kidston-Hunter Mechanical milking. D. T. Sharpies Medicated biscuit. J. S. Rutherfurd Medicated sweetmeat for consumption, &o. M. Bjornatad and J. Staoey Medicinal compound. J. Fraser Medicines for cuts, bruises, &o. W. Dawson Memory-game, Apparatus for. A. G. Floyed Mercury, &c, from ore-pulp, Separating. T. H. Hioks Mercury from amalgam, Separating. T. H. Hioks Merry-go-round. A. Coucill Metal for pipe-making, Bending. T. Danks Metal tubes, Manufacture of. B. F. McTear Metallurgio filter. E. Waters, jun. .. Metallurgical work, Lining of vessels for. G. Westinghouse Metals, Deposition of. Sherard, Cowper, Coles, and Go. (Limited) Metals, Electro-deposition of. R. D. Sanders Metals, Extraction of. H. R. Cassel Metals, Prooess for obtaining. C. A. Keller Meter. (See Current-meter.) Military kit valise. D. W. Healy Milk-aerator. J. Lemire .. Milk-can lid. J. T. Love Milk-cooler. J. Kerr Milk cooler, aerator, and strainer. D. Harris Milk cooler and aerator. H. Pennington and M. T. West Milk cooler and filler. W. S. Davey Milk, Cooling and aerating. R. Chambers Milk-food. D. R. S. Galbraith Milk into cans, Delivering. W. Barton Milk, Measuring out. E. T. Towgood Milk, Mixing. A. Gaulin .. .. .. Milk-strainer. J. Kerr Milk, Straining. G. Adcock Milk-straining pan. W. Harvey Milk, Transporting. F. H. Aussel .. Milking-apparatus. W. H. Lawrence and R. Kennedy Milking-apparatus. A. Gillies Milking-apparatus, Mechanical. D. T. Sharpies Milking-machine. W. E. Hughes Milking-machine. A. Gillies and E. J. Kelly Milking-machine. A. Gillies and E. J. Kelly Milking-machine. D. R. Ross Mill. (See Stamp-mill.) Mineral substances by oil, Separating. A. S. Elmore Mines, Detecting foul gas in. J. Hylard Mines, Testing foul gas in. J. Hylard •Minnow, Artificial. C. H. Osmond Mirror. A. J. Park Mitre-cutting machine. R. Dunne Mitre-outting machine. R. Dunne .. Mixing-machine. E. F. W. Wieda .. Moths, Capturing, at night-time. D. Thompson Motion, Mechanism for converting. J. M. Rauhoff Motion of steam-engine, Reversing. A. I. Senior Motion-transmitting meohanism, Bowden. G. W. Basley .. Motive power. J. G. Massie Motor. (See Electric motor, Explosive motor, Oil and gas motor, Reciprocatory motor, Rotary motor, Water-motor.) Motor-attachment to bicycle. A. R. Wilkins and J. W. Odering Motor car, Free wheel for. J. H. Braithwaite Motor, Using float in water as a. T. W. Mayson Moulder. (See Butter-moulder.) Moulding confectionery. P. A. Harkin Moulding soap. K. Schnetzer Moustache-guard. A. Rountree Mud-guard for gig, &c, Movable. W. H. Diddams Multitubular water-column boiler. F. F., L. B., A. C, and H. W. Coulsell Music-books, Attachment to piano for holding. R. Chambers Mustard-pot. A. H. Cotton .. .. . • ■• Nail. P. Patten Nail. (See Boot-nail, Roofing-nail.) Nail extractor and cutter. J. A. McPhee Nail for corrugated iron. C. F. Dunn Nail, Lead-headed. G. Croxford Nail, spike, bolt, &o. O. M. J. Olsen Nails, Assorting. United Shoe Machinery Company Nascent carbon-dioxide, Treating substances with. Smetliurst Furnace and Ore-treatment Syndicate (Limited) Neck of bottle, Tool for forming. Universal Seal and Stopper Company Neckties, Means for securing. T. R. Porter Nernst lamp. Nernst Eleotrio Light (Limited) Net apparatus, Ping-pong. C. Mclntyre, F. C. Palethorpe, and J. S. Sohwartz .. Net, Table-tennis. W. N. Smith Newspaper-delivery box, Weatherproof. J. Sigley Newspaper-holder. J. H. Marple Nicotine-trap for tobacco-pipe. W, A, Ede-Clendinnen 15331 15798 15309 15074 15808 15371 14771 14864 15092 15094 14869 15382 14403 14GG1 15479 14832 14813 14814 14729 30 Aug. 19 Deo. 27 Aug. 2 July. 20 Deo. 9 Sept. 16 April. 9 May. 10 July. 10 July. 7 May. 9 Sept. 6 Jan. 19 Maroh, 7 Oct. 1 May. 1 May. 1 May. 10 April. 15482 14634 15250 15293 15619 14556 15539 14885 15368 15460 14815 15750 15292 15506 15299 14981 15151 15652 15309 15564 15597 15598 15626 7 Oct. 18 Maroh, 14 Aug. 23 Aug. 12 Nov. 24 Feb. 22 Oct. 19 May. 6 Sept. 1 Oot. 1 May. 11 Dec. 23 Aug. 13 Oct. 22 Aug. 10 June. 23 July. 19 Nov. 27 Aug. 29 Oot. 5 Nov. 5 Nov. 13 Nov. 14518 15320 15321 14684 14472 15176 15243 15746 15195 14641 15285 15724 15233 13 Feb. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 26 March, 23 Jan. 23 July. 8 Aug. 11 Dec. 31 July. 20 March, 22 Aug. 1 Dec. 4 Aug. 15306 15770 15685 25 Aug. 17 Deo. 22 Nov. 15665 15727 14624 15297 15677 15188 14871 14712 21 Nov. 3 Dec. 11 Maroh, 25 Aug. 25 Nov. 29 July. 10 May. 5 April. 14997 15774 15214 15518 15413 14868 10 June. 17 Deo. 31 July. 13 Oct. 18 Sept. 7 May. 14886 14983 14732 15344 15608 15236 14537 15384 20 May. 11 June. 10 April. 3 Sept. 6 Nov. 2 Aug. 18 Feb. 11 Sept.