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Ierenui-Ohaua— continued.

" The Urewera District Native Reserve Act, ISDO."


Befobe the Commissioners appointed under the said act. In the matter of the land called or heretofore known as " Kohuru-Tukuroa," being part of the land described in the First Schedule to the said Act; and in the matter of the investigation of the title to such land.—At a sitting of the Commissioners held at Euatoki on the 17th day of March, 1902, before David Scannell, William James Butler, Te Pou, and Hurae Puketapu. IT is hereby ordered that the persons whose names appear in family groups in the first column of the Schedule attached hereto, and therein numbered respectively from 1 to 377, both inclusive, are, and are hereby declared to be, the owners of the parcel of land to be called or known as " Kohuru-Tukuroa," containing 8,224 acres, more or less, and delineated on the plan indorsed hereon. And it is further ordered that the relative shares of the said families and individuals shall bo as set out opposite the name of each of them respectively in the second column of the said Schedule ; and it is hereby declared that the share of each family and individual shall be inalienable except to His Majesty. As witness the hands of the above-named Commissioners. D. Scannell, Chairman. W. J. Butleb. Te Pou. Hurae Puketafu.


Karangi Tuatahi. Itarangi Tuarua. Rarangi Tuatahi. Karangi TnnruH. 331 Tβ Ao te Paoro, f, 14 332 Tβ Au te Paoro, m, 12 333 Kaipo te Paoro, f, 11 334 Hinehou te Paoro, f, 10 335 Te Kahunuku te Paoro, m, 9 336 Kori te Paoro, f, 8 337 Te Uhitere te Paoro, f, 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 368 Hinewaho Toki, f 369 Potahi Toki, f, 19 370 Te WehiToki, m, 17 371 Kokouri Toki, m, 13 5 5 5 5 372 Rongopopoia Ngawaka, m, 8 — 20 5 35 373 Heremia Heremia, m ■JO 338 Te Haeata Anania, f 339 Witeri Auania, m 340 Ka Anania, f, 13 .. 341 Hao Anania, f, 12 342 Kapakapa Anania, i, 10 343 Tuhiwai Anania, f, 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 374 Hatamaria Heremia, f, 13 375 Pehimana Heremia, f, 12 376 Manurere Heremia, f, 10 377 Repo Heremia, f, 9 378 Hohapata Heremia, m, 6 10 10 10 10 10 344 Tukahara te Wharepouri, m, 12 345 Kuini te Wharepouri, f, 10 346 Te Aho te Wharepouri, m, 8.. 347 Hauraki te Wharepouri, m, 1 5 5 5 5 30 379 Akuhata te Kaha, m 380 Karaitiana te Kaha, m 50 20 20 — 40 348 Te Waaka Paraone, m 349 Kauriki Paraone, f 350 Ngahuia Paraone, f 10 10 10 20 381 Ihaka Karaitiana, m 382 Te Rangi Karaitiana, m 383 Tai Karaitiana, m 384 Rutene Karaitiana, m 10 10 10 10 351 Keehi Heemi, f .. 352 Tuhitaare Heemi, m 353 Tβ Tokatapu Heemi, m 354 Nohopouaka Heemi, i 5 5 5 5 30 - 40 20 385 Hakuarangi Rangiaho, f 386 Hiria Rangiaho, f 387 Paora Rangiaho, m 388 Pioioi Rangiaho, m 389 Te Maitaranui Rangiaho, m, 14 20 20 20 20 20 355 Nohotima te Kauru, m 356 Tamati te Kauru, m, 12 357 Te Haurawhiti te Kauru, f, 10 2 2 2 390 Hana Taipeti, f, 10 391 Te Paana Taipeti, m, 9 392 Pare Taipeti, f, 8.. 393 Karaitiana Taipeti, m, 7 394 Hakopa Taipeti, m, 5 — 100 358 Te Kapo Keehi (H.C.), m .. 6 2 10 10 10 10 10 359 Te Irimana Tuhitaare, m, 7 •. 360 Paraone Tuhitaare, m, 6 2 2 361 Raha te Tokatapu, f, 6 4 2 395 Tiakiwai Turei, m, 9 396 Te Whitu Turei, m, 6 397 Kaari Turei, f, 5 .. 50 10 10 10 362 Te Wharekonehu Tukutahi, f, 8 363 Ngareta Tukotahi, f, 5 364 Piu Tukotahi, f, 2 2 2 2 — 30 10 10 10 10 365 Mania Moni, f 6 10 398 Rangiaho Paora, m, 10 399 Hinehou Paora, f, 8 400 Ngatapa Paora, f, 6 401 Neera Paora, f, 5.. 366 Boka Iraia, f .. 367 Ngawaka Iraia, m 10 10 40 20 Total (Hui katoa) 3,8(35