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Hikurangi-Horomanga— continued.

" The Urewera District Native Reserve Act, 1896."


Befoeb the Commissionees appointed undee the said act. In the matter of the land called or heretofore known as " lerenui-Ohaua," being part of the land described in the First Schedule to the said Act; and in the matter of the investigation of the title to such land.—At a sitting of the Commissioners held at Euatoki on the 13th day of March, 1902, before David Scannell, William James Butler, Hurae Puketapu, and Te Pou. IT is hereby ordered that the persons whose names appear in family groups in the first column of the Schedule attached hereto, and therein numbered respectively from 1 to 401, both inclusive, are, and are hereby declared to be, the owners of the parcel of land to be called or known as " lerenui-Ohaua," containing 5,540 acres, more or less, and delineated on the plan indorsed hereon. And it is further ordered that the relative shares of the said families and individuals shall be as set out opposite the name of each of them respectively in the second column of the said Schedule ; and it is hereby declared that the share of each family and individual shall be inalienable except to His Majesty. As witness the hands of the above-named Commissioners. D. Scannell, Chairman. W. J. Butler, hueae puketai'u. Te Pou.

SCHEDULE. Ierenui-Ohaua.


Rarangi Tuatahi. Rarangi Tuarua. Itaraugi Tuatahi. Rarangi Tuarua. 337 Witeri Anania, m 5 357 Wi Nikorima, m .. 10 338 Te Owai Tamatea, i 339 Titi Tamatea, f .. 10 10 358 Te Teira Wi, m, 5 5 340 Whareparaki Hakaraia, f 341 Haromi Hakaraia, f 342 Kaari Hakaraia, f 343 Te Puia Hakaraia, t 344 Te Mone Hakaraia, £ 5 5 5 5 5 20 359 Kororiko Watana, m 360 Whatarangi Watana, f 361 Pinara Watana, £ 5 5 5 — 15 362 Maramena te Hata, f, 15 363 Hinehou te Hata, f, 7 2 2 345 Tahatu te Whatu, m 25 5 364 Te Whareti Niko, f, 11 — 4 2 346 Te Waimatao Tahatu, f, 8 347 Te Wharewhakairo Tahatu, m, 2 2 2 365 Hieke Wharekiri, m, 6 2 348 Te Pakinga Hoeta, m 349 Wahati Hoeta, f .. S50 Hakaraia Hoeta, m 351 Mohi Hoeta, m, 17 352 Iritana Hoeta, f, 15 353 Winiata Hoata, m, 13 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 366 Konene te Whare, m 367 Hine te Whare, t.. 368 Taahe te Whare, m, 14 369 Tipa te Whare, m, 13 370 Kaapo te Whare, f, 12 371 Te Hiko te Whare, m, 10 372 Porou te Whare, m, 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 354 Hirai Eru, m 12 2 373 Mokeke Ruru, £ .. 374 Ere Euru, m .. — 35 5 5 355 Wharekauri Moetahuna, m .. 10 — 10 356 Marara Wharekauri, £ 5 Total (Hui katoa) 2,759

First Column. Second Column. First Column. Second Column. 1 Tupaea Rapaera, m 2 Miria Tupaea, f .. 3 Te Urupa Tupaea, f 4 Te Kohunui Tupaea, m, 17 5 Hariata Tupaea, f, 16 6 Whata Tupaea, f, 10 7 Turaki Tupaea, i , 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 13 Tawera Moko, m .. 14 Takoto Moko, m .. 15 Takahiao Moko, I 10 10 10 30 16 Tuirina Tawera, m, 8 17 Hinekirunga Tawera, f, 6 5 5 10 8 Poniu Tumoana, m, 5 60 5 18 Hine Numia, f .. 19 Eotu Numia, f, 14 20 Tiria Numia, f, 7.. 10 10 10 9 Baumiria te Haunui, f 20 10 Patu Bu, f, 9 5 21 Tβ Ea-mahaki Pioioi, m, 2 .. 30 5 11 Baiha te Buakariata, f 12 Numia te Buakariata, m 20 20 22 Moko Tupaea, m.. 10 23 Ifiu Hoani, m 10 40