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Enclosures. Sik,— Foreign Office, 10th March, 1902. I am directed by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to transmit to you, to be laid before the Secretary of State for the Colonies, a copy of a note from the French Ambassador relative to the transfer of the French Consulate in New Zealand from Wellington to Auckland. I am, &c, The Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office. F. H. Sandebsok.

Monsieur le Makquis,— Londres, le 7 Mars, 1902. I - Monsieur le Ministre dcs Affaires Etrangeres vient de me faire cormaetre, et je m'empresse d' annoncer a votre Seigneurie, que, par decret dv 19 Fevrier dernier, le siege dv Consulat de France dans la Nouvelle Zelande a etc transfere de Wellington a Auckland. Je ne manquerai pas de transmettre a votre Seigneurie, aussitot que je l'aurai recue, la nouvelle commission consulaire destinee a Monsieur de Courte, Consul de France dans la Nouvelle Zelande. ■ Veuillez agreer, &c, La Seigneurie le Marquis de Lansdowne, K.G., &c. Paul Cambon.

No. 4. (Circular.) Sin,— Downing Street, 25th March, 1902. I have the honour to inform you that the military authorities at Cape To;vn have experienced some difficulty in identifying Government servants who have no permits to land in South Africa. It has accordingly been decided to issue a special form of permit to Government servants sailing for South Africa in other than Government vesssels on and after the Ist April, 1902. The term "Government servant" is to be understood to include military officers and all persons in the employment of, or in receipt of pay from, His Majesty's Government or the British Administrations in South Africa. A supply of these special forms will be forwarded to you as soon as possible, and, meanwhile, I have to request that you will arrange for the issue to Government servants of the ordinary permit form indorsed " Government Official." I have the honour also to enclose, with reference to my circular despatch of 19th February, a copy of a letter which has been received from the War Office, together with a form of declaration amended in accordance with the decision of which you were informed in my circular despatch. I have, &c, J. CHAMBERLAIN. The Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand.

Enclosure. Sib,— War Office, London, March, 1902. In continuation of my letter of the 7th ultimo, I am directed by the Secretary of State for War to acquaint you, for the information of Mr. Secretary Chamberlain, that in consequence of the decision reported therein, it has been considered advisable to amend the " form of declaration " on the present permit paper, in the manner shown on the attached slip. I am to suggest that, pending the issue of fresh permit papers, the amended form of declaration should be brought to the notice of all concerned. I am, &c, The Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office. G. Fleetwood Wilson.

Sub-enclosure. I declare that I am a subject, and that I am proceeding to South Africa on the business, or for the purpose, stated above; that I have not been deported from that country or sent home as indigent or in any way at the expense of the British Government, and that I have never been a

Date. Prom To Subject. Oth March, 1902 Foreign Office Colonial Office Transfer of the French Consulate from Wei lington to Auckland.