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Enclosure in No. 143. The General Manager, Eastern Extension Company, London, to the Agent-Genebal. The Eastern Extension, Australasia, and China Telegraph Company (Limited), Sir, — Electra House, Moorgate, E.C., 20th January, 1903. You are doubtless aware that, by the terms of the landing licenses granted to the Eastern Extension Company for the Cape-Australian cable, the existing tariff for Government telegrams of 2s. per word has to be reduced to Is. 7-J-d. per word as soon as the through Cape route is established. Owing, however, to the South African war, the land-line to be worked by the Eastern Company between Cape Town and Durban has not yet been placed at that company's disposal, and it may be some little time before it is available. Desiring, however, to meet the wishes of the Governments interested as far as possible, the Eastern and Eastern Extension Companies, in concert with the associated Administrations, have decided to anticipate the opening of the through Cape route by at once giving the reduction. Consequently, I have the honour to inform you that from this date the tariff of Is. 7-J-d. per word will be charged for the transmission of Government telegrams to and from Australia and New Zealand. For New Caledonia the rate will be reduced from 2s. Bd. to 2s. 3^d.; for Fiji the rate will be reduced from 2s. sd. to 2s. ; for Norfolk Island the rate will be reduced from 2s. Id. to Is. BJd. I have, &c, The Agent-General for New Zealand. F. E. Hesse, General Manager.

No. 144. The Seceetahy, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Manager, Canadian Pacific Eailway Telegraphs, Montreal. Sm,— General Post Office, Wellington, 10th February, 1903. I have the honour to ask that you will be so kind as to favour me with a copy of the telegraph map showing what course telegrams transferred to your system from the Pacific cable take across Canada, and also from Bamfield across the Island of Vancouver and to Vancouver City. I should also be obliged if the route of the proposed new cable from Bamfield to Alberta could be marked on the map, as well as the line which the cable is proposed to supersede. I have, &c, W. Gray, Secretary James Kent, Esq., Manager, Canadian Pacific Eailway Telegraphs, Montreal.

No. 145. The Hon. the Prime Minister to the Agent-General. (Telegram.) Wellington, 16th February, 1903. Pacific terminal rate and your letter of sth December : If not interfering with your negotiations, propose raise terminal rate international business same as Commonwealth's—fivepence ordinary, fourpence Government. As this made friendly spirit temporary purposes, do not intend raise rate against Eastern Extension Company.

No. 146. The Agent-General to the Hon. the Prime Minister. (Telegram.) London, 17th February, 1903. Pacific terminal rate : Your suggestion has been adopted. Suspend action for a few days. Will telegraph on this subject early next week.

No. 147. The Hon. the Prime Minister to the Agent-General. Premier's Office, Wellington, 18th February, 1903. g I j l) Pacific Gable. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 15th November last, transmitting copy of correspondence relating to the question of the proposed rates from Europe and intermediate stations to Australasia (including New Zealand). I have, &c, W. C. Walker, For the Prime Minister. The Hon. W. P. Eeeves, Agent-General for New Zealand, London.

No. 148. The Agent-General to the Hon. the Prime Minister. (Telegram.) London, 24th February, 1903. Pacific terminal rate : Suspending action for two weeks, as Chairman will make proposal next meeting of Board which he thinks will meet the case in point.