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First instalment of the fifty years' annuity required to 1903-4. 1902-3. repay with interest the sum of £2,000,000 borrowed for construction ... ... ... ... ... 77,545 Office of the Pacific Cable Board, salaries and expenses ... 4,400 Cable-stations, salaries and expenses ... ... .. 26,300 Repairing-ship, salaries and expenses ... ... ... 19,500 Eenewals and depreciation (including cable-repair and Eeserve Fund) ... ... ... ... ... 35,500 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... 4,755 Total ... ... ... ... 168,000 Deduct estimated earnings ... 73,000 95,000 120,000 Such sum as may be actually required from the vote for the expenses of the cable will, to the extent of thirteen-eighteenths thereof, be repaid by the Governments of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. A sum of £85,000, representing the estimated receipts during 1903-4 for colonial contributions in respect of the expenses met out of the vote for 1902-3, is appropriated in aid of this vote (Sub-head H).

Enclosure 6 in No. 116. Abstract op Estimates fob Geant-in-aid op £120,000 foe 1902-3. Interest on borrowed money ... ... ... .. ... £65,000 Head Office, salary and expenses ... ... ... ... 5,500 Stations, salary and expenses ... ... ... ' ... ... 26,000 Bepairing-ship, expenses ... ... ... ... ... 11,000 Eenewals (Cable Eeserve) ... ... ... ... ... 12,500 £120,000

No. 111. The General Manager, Pacific Cable Board, London, to the Seceetaey, General PostOffice, Wellington. Pacific Cable Board, Sanctuary House, Tothill Street, Westminster, London, S.W., Sib,— 20th March, 1903. An extra cottage for a married officer is found to be required at Doubtless Bay, and the Board has approved of an expenditure of from £450 to £500 for this purpose. Mr. Hertslet has been authorised to arrange details with the Works Department for this cottage to be built on the Board's land, and I shall be much obliged if you will communicate with the Works Department on the subject in order that the necessary authority may be given, and also by your informing me if the cost will be provided by the New Zealand Government in advance, as was the case with the other buildings erected for the Board and recovered in account, or if it would be convenient that a special payment should be made. I am, &c, C. H. Eeynodds, The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. General Manager.

No. 118. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Supeeintendent of Eleoteic Lines (at Auckland). (Telegram.) Wellington, 22nd May, 1903. In connection with the increasing Pacific cable traffic, Auckland has again raised the point of a quadruplex with Doubtless Bay. Failing this, that number three wire should be extended between Mangonui and Doubtless Bay, so that the Auckland office might have the command of two wires to Doubtless Bay. Perhaps you will look into this

No. 119. The Superintendent of Electric Lines (at Auckland), to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Auckland, 22nd May, 1903. A QUADEUPLEX set for Doubtless Bay is already arranged for, but I think I will extend the number three as well shortly

No. 120. The Hon. the Peime Minister to the Agent-General. Prime Minister's Office, Wellington, 29th May, 1903. Sir, — Pacific Cable. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 13th February last, forwarding copies of papers received from the Secretary to the Pacific Cable Board in connection with the estimated receipts and expenditure of the Board for the financial year 1903-4.