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OCEAN MAIL-SERVICES (FURTHER PAPERS RELATING TO). [In continuation of Paper F.-6, presented on the 12th August, 1902.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

INDEX. San Fbancisco Mail-sebvice — Pages Contract with the Oceanic Company, &c. Steamers leaving Auckland on Friday, 1, 74. Detaining Steamers at San Francisco, 2, 20, 73. Demurrage, 2, 20. Leaving Auckland Three Days before Arrival of Inooming Steamer, 2, 20. Period for Distribution in United States, 3. Seventy-two Hours' Detention at San Francisoo to await Mails, 4 13-15, 17-20, 26, 75. Calling at Fanning Island, proposed Three-weekly, actual Six-weekly begun September, 1902, 5, 9, 22, 25-33, 39, 42, 47, 52, 59, 65, 67; Mail-agents to leave Correspondence at Pago Pago, 39 ; establishment of New Zealand Post-office, 43, 49, 55-8, 61, 66, 68; lengthening Voyage Distance and Time, 7 ; question of Postage-rates and Union Adherence, 59'; despatch of Mails from London, 59. Exemption Oceanic Steamers from Dues at Auckland, 6, 8. Proposal for Oceanio Steamers to call Noumea : Mr. Spreekels's Alleged Reasons, 23, 36. Cessation of Colleotion by New Zealand of Payments from other Administrations, 37, 44, 46, 48, 53-4, 60, 62-4; as to Bates payable, 69-70. Distribution of Copies of Contract, 34, 38, 45. Signalling Steamers passing Tiritiri, 50-1. Renewal of Servioe from May, 1903, 69. Continuing Service until Parliament deoides, 72, 72a .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ _ 2 -i7 Incidents of United States and Atlantic Transit, &c. Washington agrees to Stipulation in the New Zealand Contract for holding Steamers at San Francisco, 20, 73. That Mail-steamers catch the 10 a.m. Train at San Francisco, 75-8. Prompt Transfer of Mails at San Francisco, 78, 80-1, 85-6. Delay in United States, 79, 82, 88-9, 91. Cunard Company holding or not holding Steamers to expedite Despatoh of Mails, 79, 82-4, 86-7, 89-91, 90, 94; New York being a Tidal Harbour, 86-7. Steamers proposed to leave San Franoisco at 2 p.m. instead of 10 a.m. on Thursdays, 95, 96 .. .. .. .. .. ~ 17_26 Vancouver Service— Forwarding Mails for United States by Vanoouver Steamer to Honolulu, 97-8 .. .. .. 26 AUSTBALIA-SUEZ SERVICES— Christchureh Chamber of Commerce, for Weekly Post between Wellington and Sydney to conneot with Suez Mails, 99-102 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. 27 iNTEBPBOVINCIAIi SEBVICE — Proposal for Lyttelton-Onehunga Time-table, 104. Discontinuing Daily New Plymouth-Oneuunga Service, 110-11. Transport from Wellington to New Plymouth, 104, 106-7. No Delay in Delivery of Marlborough and West Coast Mails, 105. Shipping Mails by " Ngapuhi," June, 1902, 107. Continuation of Agreement for Interprovinoial Servioe, 108-9 .. .. ~ ~ ~ 28-9

I—F. 6.