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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency,


I—A. 2.

HU/f. -L3UO. NEW ZEALAND. DESPATCHES FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE COLONIES TO THE G0VERN0 OF NEW ZEALAND, Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency. INDEX. No. of >eries. Date. Subjects. Page. 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 28 Feb., 1902 6 Mar., „ 19 Mar., „ 25 Mar., „ 27 Mar., , 29 Mar., . 1 April, „ 7 April, „ 11 April, „ 11 April, „. 30 April, „ 30 April, „ 8 May, „ 13 May, ,; Agreement between Great Britain and Japan Meat contracts, South Africa .. .. Transfer of French Consulate to Auckland Permits for South Africa Extradition of criminals, Great Britain and Belgium Distinguished conduct, long-service, and good-conduct medals " New Zealand Ensign Act, 1901," assented to .. Presentation of colonial officers at His Majesty's levees Surveyors required for Gold Coast Meat contracts, South Africa Suwarrow Island, Lease of Coloured drawings of New Zealand Ensign required Expenses of extradition from America Judgment of Privy Council, Wellington City Council v. Johnston and another, and v. Lloyd and another " Exportation of Arms Act, 1901," left to operation Penny postage Meat contracts, South Africa. Metric system of weights and measures Sinking fund for redemption of New Zealand Imperial-guaranteed debentures Discharge certificates for seamen Procedure by His Majesty's ships on Coronation Day Observance of Coronation Day by troops .. War gratuities to colonial officers Volcanic eruptions at Martinique Suwarrow Island lease, and naval lands Use of Bluff Harbour by vessels of large tonnage Report on Chatham Islands Names of saluting batteries required Meat contracts, South Africa Accidents caused by agricultural machinery, and prevention of School teachers for South Africa Suwarrow Island, Transfer of lease of Case of s.s. " Waikato " Judgment of Privy Council, Commissioner of Customs v. Bell and Co. Letters of request from foreign tribunals Society of Comparative Legislation Opening of New Zealand Parliament Thanks of House of Lords and Commons for services of colonial Forces Regret and sympathy on illness of His Majesty Certificates required from British Consul, San Francisco Penny Postage : Switzerland, Italy, Chili, Portugal, and Liberia Combine of agricultural machinery manufacturers Expenses of extradition from America Thanks for contingent attending His Majesty's Coronation War gratuities for colonial nurses Administration of Fiji: Premier's suggestions Thanks of His Majesty for congratulations on his Coronation 2 4 4 5 6 10 10 11 11 13 14 15 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ■28 29 80 31 32 33 34 85 86 37 38 88 40 41 42 43 4.4 45 46 14 May, „ 15 May, , 16 May, „ 16 May, „ 21 May, „ 22 May, , 23 May, „ 28 May, „ 30 May, „ 18 June, „ 19 June, „ 25 June, „ 27 June, „ 8 July, . 10 July, „ 11 July, . 28 July, . 29 July, „ 1 Aug., „ 14 Aug., „ 21 Aug., . 22 Aug., „ 22 Aug., „ 22 Aug., „ 4 Sept., , 6 Sept., „ 12 Sept., „ 19 Sept., „ 23 Sept., „ 26 Sept., „ 30 Sept., , 2 Oct., . 17 19 20 20 20 21 22 22 23 23 23 24 25 26 26 ■AC, 27 a7 27 28 30 31 32 32 33 34 34 37 38 89 39 39 40 1—A. 2.