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General Statement of Beceipts and Expenditure for the Year ending tne 31st December, 1902 — continued. Statement of Balances. & s. &. £ s. a. General Acoount .. .. .. 354 10 3 Current Account, Bank of New Zealand .. 313 6 0 Land Fund Account .. .. .. 250 3 9 Fixed deposit, Bank of New Zealand .. 226 3 9 Sundries Account .. .. .. 13 711 Cash in hand .. .. .. .. 76 12 2 Total .. .. .. .. £618 1 11 Total .. .. .. .. £618 1 11 Statement op Assets and Liabilities. Assets. £ a. d. Liabilities. £ s. d. Rents in arrear .. .. .. .. 650 4 3 Land Fund .. .. .. .. 250 3 9 Advance to Land Fund (repayable) .. 21 1 6 Sundries Account .. .. .. 13 7 11 Bank and cash balances .. .. .. 391 18 2 Balance of assets .. .. .. 1,025 16 0 On fixed deposit.. .. .. .. 226 3 9 Total .. .. .. ..£1,289 7 8 Total .. .. .. ..£1,289 7 8 E. Cock, Chairman. F. P. Cobkill, Secretary. Examined and found correct.— J. K. Waebubton, Controller and Auditor-General.

WELLINGTON. Wellington School Commissioners' Office, Wellington, Sir,— 6th March, 1903. I have the honour to forward the report and statement of receipts and expenditure of the School Commissioners for the Wellington Provincial District for the year ended the 31st December, 1902. The following gentlemen are members of the Board of Commissioners : Mr. J. E. Blair (Chairman, at present on leave of absence), Mr. A. W. Hogg, M.H.E., Mr. F. Y. Lethbridge, M.H.E., Mr. F.,Pirani, and Mr. J. Strauchon, Commissioner of Crown Lands (Acting-Chairman). Sales of leases were held in the country districts during the year, at which fifteen sections, comprising 1,173 acres 2 roods 7 perches, were let at an annual rental of £129 12s. 9d. to thirteen tenants. The total number of tenants now on the rent-roll is 449. The total area of reserves set aside and vested in the Commissioners during the year was 147 acres 1 rood 14 perches, comprising thirty-one sections. The Commissioners desire to draw attention to the fact that they are at present unable to subdivide valuable lands, comprised in leases falling in from time to time, which are suitable for cutting up, and from which a greatly enhanced revenue would be derived if so dealt with, being barred by section 21 of " The Education Eeserves Act, 1877," from spending any of the funds at their disposal on the making of the roads required in all cases of subdivision in terms of section 20 of " The Public Works Acts Amendment Act, 1900." The Commissioners consider it very desirable, in the interests of their trust, that they should have power to make such expenditure when considered necessary. During the year the Commissioners sustained a severe loss in the death of their late Secretary, Mr. N. J. Tone, and wish to place on record their high appreciation of the valuable services rendered by him during the six years and a half he held office as Secretary. He has been succeeded in that office by Mr. J. H. W. Wardrop, late of the Lands and Survey Department, who took up the duties on the Ist September last. I have, &c, John Strauchon, Acting-Chairman. The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington.