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EXPENDITURE ON SCHOOLS OF MINES. The following table shows the expenditure by the Government on schools of mines since their inauguration, exclusive of subsidies paid to the University of Otago towards the School of Mines in connection with that institution: —

The above statement shows the amount expended on the different schools of mines throughout the colony; but, in addition to this, the sum of £9,303 6s. 2d. has to be added, as that has been paid to the School of Mines attached to the University of Otago, £750 being paid last year towards maintaining the school, which makes the total expenditure up to the 31st March last to be £33,580 17s. 3d. This expenditure has extended over a period of seventeen years.

PRODUCTION OF GOLD AND SILVER. The following comparative statements show the quantity and value of gold entered for exportation for the last two calendar and financial years:—


Financial Years. Subsidies towards the Erection of Schools of Mines, and Maintenance. Chemicals and Apparatus, also Mineralogical Specimens supplied to Schools of Mines. Scholarships. Salaries of Teachers, and Travellingexpenses, &c. Total Sum paid by the Department towards the Schools of Mines. 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 ... 1900-1901 ... 1901-1902 ... £ s. d. 257 16 6 253 15 9 42 10 0 142 2 0 217 6 6 181 14 0 312 3 4 197 0 5 390 0 0 820 0 0 352 14 11 1,089 18 6 740 15 2 990 3 4 866 10 11 1,155 12 3 £ s. d. 36 19 9 409 1 4 253 14 1 6 12 9 181 14 10 54 8 0 £ £ s. d. 1,223 9 10 2,716 9 3 1,714 9 6 1,139 4 1 716 3 10 620 9 9 689 5 9 670 1 0 858 19 4 773 17 8 849 3 0 834 12 8 780 19 0 729 10 11 52 16 3 77 7 10 69 16 4 £ s. a. 1,260 9 7 3,383 7 1 2,221 19 4 1,188 6 10 1,040 0 8 892 4 3 870 19 9 982 4 4 1,055 19 9 1,209 8 6 1,719 3 0 1,346 6 1 2,000 17 3 1,553 5 8 1,117 3 3 1,098 2 1 1,337 13 8 45 10 10 58 18 6 29 19 9 32 19 7 24 3 8 56 3 4 63 5 1 50 100 100 ■ 50 50 98 49 Totals ... 8,010 3 7 1,253 11 6 497 14,516 16 24,277 11

ear eni led 31st I 1901. Decern ler, ear en led 31st I 1900. Decern icr, Name of District. Increase for 1901. Decrease for 1901. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Oz. 191,968 133 7,212 113,286 142,940 22 £ 695,551 513 28,138 454,006 575,492 83 Oz. 166,342 535 3,718 73,923 129,075 23 £ 605,398 2,147 14,605 295,733 521,629 90 Oz. 25,626 Oz. .uckland larlborough lelson ... Vest Coast Itago lanterbury 3,494 39,363 13,865 402 1 Totals 455,561 1,753,783 373,616 1,439,602 81,945* Year ended 19 31st March, 02. Year ended 191 31st Maroh, 31. Name of District. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Increase for 1902. Deorease for 1902. .uckland larlborough lelson ... Vest Coast Oz. 201,861 277 4,207 104,441 128,200 19 £ 728,498 1,108 17,118 418,322 515,265 71 Oz. 166,049 247 5,126 85,779 135,753 22 £ 604,018 970 19,238 343,728 548,444 84 Oz. 35,812 30 Oz. 18,662 '919 )tago lanterbury 7,'553 3 Totals 439,005 1,680,382 392,976 1,516,482 46,0291 * Total net increase, value £314,181. I Total net increase, value £163,900.