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AUCKLAND. Minor Triangulation and Topographical Surveys. —The return under this heading shows a total of 605,570 acres, at a mean cost of 0-57 d. per acre, 347,670 acres being done for the Urewera Commission, which completes the work in the Urewera District. Rural and Suburban. —The area surveyed is 144,525 acres, the number of sections 671, at a cost of l-465. per acre, the cost being almost the same as last year; included in the area is 580 acres, surveyed into 198 sections for five workmen's homes, under the Land for Settlements Act. The staff surveyors have contributed 128,867 acres, at a cost of l-375. per acre, 82,826 acres being in the Kawhia County. Town Section Survey. —This return of 307 acres, divided into 262 allotments, at a cost of 13s. per allotment, being the survey of Mihi Township ; of 196 allotments at the junction of the Waikato Eiver and Waiotapu Stream ; and forty-two allotments for residence-sites, Waiomo Township, and twenty-three allotments in the Drury Township. Native Land Court Surveys. —Seventy-one blocks, having a total of 157,207 acres, at a cost of 3-76 d. per acre, most of the work being for subdivision orders or Crown awards. In addition to the above total there were forty-four blocks surveyed, having a total area of 92,635 acres, the cost of which is paid for privately, the grand total of the Native Land Court surveys being 115 blocks having a total area of 249,842 acres, the greater portion of the work being in the King-country. The authorised surveyors have on hand about 480,000 acres, chiefly in the Eangitoto-Tahua Block. Gold-mining Surveys. —There is still a falling-off in area in these surveys, the area being 2,029 acres, costing s'o2s. per acre for twenty-six claims, the number of plans received under the Mining Districts Land Occupation Act being twenty-one. Roads. —The staff surveyors have surveyed 179-10 miles of roads at a mean cost of £11-42 per mile, and have about 114 miles in hand. Other Work. —The total, £3,128 os. 9d., is made up as follows : Inspections, redefining old boundaries, road-grading, Bangers' reports, measuring timber, river traverse for Urewera Commission, reports for Warden, traverse of Botoiti and Botoehu Lakes, &c. Inspection. —Mr. L. Cussen reports that the work done by the staff surveyors has been found to be uniformly good, no errors approaching the limit allowed being disclosed ; and, with one exception, the work of the private surveyors under inspection was found very satisfactory, that of Messrs. Harrison and Foster being of a high standard. Mr. H. D. M. Haszard also reports that, with one exception, the work of the private surveyors was found satisfactory in the Hauraki Mining District. Field-work in Progress. —The staff, consisting of eighteen surveyors, have in hand about 200,000 acres of rural land, 540 acres of town sections, and 420 acres for workmen's homes. During the ensuing year the staff will continue the work in Kawhia, Opotiki, and Whakatane Counties, also in Tutamoe, Maketu, Ngongotaha Districts, and other scattered districts. Land Transfer Surveys. —2os plans were examined and approved, comprising 1,015 subdivisions, containing a total area of 40,063 acres. There are twenty plans in the office, the examination of which is not yet complete. Office-work. —There have been twenty-nine Native Land Court plans and 197 sectional and township plans received and checked. Ninety-two plans for 85 miles of roads taken, and forty-four plans for 54 miles of roads closed have been checked and recorded. 501 plans were indorsed on Native Land Court orders, and 2,781 plans on leases and certificates of title. Five county maps, three townships, and eleven 20-chain maps were drawn for lithographing, and published here. The current work for the year was very heavy. Credits for work done for other departments amount to £3,694 lis. 6d., and 1,277 vouchers have been passed amounting to £28,658 Is. sd. During the past year many departmental changes have taken place in this office. The severance of the Eoads branch, the promotions and removals, involved the loss of several good officers, and in consequence some of the office-work has fallen somewhat in arrear, which to overtake may require the granting of some temporary additional assistance. G. Mueller, Assistant Surveyor-General.

HAWKE'S BAY. Topographical Survey. —The only work returned under this heading is an area of 198,858 acres, being surveys in the Urewera Country made by Mr. L. C. Beay for the Urewera Commission. The survey of 51,000 acres was partly completed last year. These surveys are situated in a rough forest country, and in a Native district, and Mr. Beay is to be congratulated in having completed his survey to the satisfaction of the Natives and the Commissioners. Minor Triangulation. —The area surveyed is 36,980 acres at a cost of 094 d. an acre;