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Masterton-Tenui. —This settlement is situated on the Main Trunk Railway and road, north of Mangaweka Township. It comprises sixteen holdings, twelve of which are occupied. The total population is fifty-five souls. 630 acres of bush has been felled and grassed, and the settlers have spent £1,923 of their own money in effecting improvements. The stock comprises 221 head of cattle, 35 horses, 180 sheep, and 32 pigs. Most of the settlers have been employed on the co-operative railway-works, and, being steady and industrious, have expended their earnings in improving their holdings. Horopito is situated in the Waimarino district, north of Eaetihi. Only three sections are occupied, by five persons. The stock comprises 50 head of cattle, 8 horses, and 9 pigs. One of the settlers is a supplier to the Eaetihi Dairy Factory, and, as a dray-road has now been formed, he is able to cart his milk instead of using a sledge, as formerly. Owing to the remote position, severe climate, and heavy bush this settlement has not been a great success. Otaihape adjoins the Township of Taihape. The settlers here are doing well. Most of them work on the co-operative railway-works. Some are in business in Taihape, and others again go in for dairying on a small scale. There are ten sections, and all the settlers are residing. The population is forty-six. The stock comprises 155 head of cattle, 21 horses, and 17 pigs. Ohutu. —This settlement is one of the most successful. It is situated at Utiku, on the Main Trunk Eailway, and comprises twenty-eight sections, all of which are occupied by a first-class lot of settlers. The population is ninety-four, and improvements to the value of £4,224 have been made by the settlers, exclusive of those paid for by the Crown. The stock comprises 567 head of cattle, 54 horses, 230 sheep, and 119 pigs. There is a dairy factory in the block, and most of the settlers are suppliers. All the sections have dray-road access. Ohutu Extension is situated south of and adjoining the Ohutu Improved-farm Settlement. There are six sections, all of which are being improved; but, as the land has only been held a short time, none of the settlers are residing, nor is there any. stock. 73 acres has been felled and grassed, and another 25 acres is felled, only. No roads have, yet been formed. The only access is by rough pack-tracks. I feel sure this settlement will be a success shortly. Otuarei. —This settlement comprises eighteen sections, held by nine settlers, who with their families number nineteen. Owing to the remote situation and want of dray-road access it is not such a marked success as others; but, considering the difficulties the settlers have to face, good progress has been made. Improvements to the value of £357 have been made, exclusive of those paid for by the Crown. The stock comprises 63 head of cattle, 17 horses, 680 sheep, and 27 pigs. Bongoiti is situated on the right bank of the Hautapu Eiver and adjoining Mataroa Township. All the sections (eight) are occupied by a population of twenty-two. The settlers have expended £695 of their own money in improving their holdings. The stock comprises 47 head of cattle, 30 horses, 826 sheep, and 2 pigs. The want of road-access to the back sections is somewhat retarding progress. Oraukura. —This settlement comprises ten sections, all of which are occupied. The total population is forty-eight. Improvements to the value of £927 have been done by the settlers, exclusive of aid from the Crown. The stock return is as follows :71 head of cattle, 21 horses, 22 sheep, and 35 pigs. A dray-road passes several of the sections, but a bridge across the Hautapu Biver is wanted to give others an opportunity to fully utilise their holdings for dairying. At present they are obliged to use hand-separators, and pack or carry the cream to the Taihape Creamery. Somerville is situated on Murray's Track, in the farm homestead block of the same name. There are eight holdings, and all the settlers reside. The total number of persons is thirty-one. Improvements to the value of £757 have been made at the settlers' own cost. The stock comprises 153 head of cattle, 19 horses, 56 sheep, and 10 pigs. There is a dray-road well into the settlement, but three sections have only bridle-track access at present. Land for Settlements. Paparangi. —The success of this settlement is now established. All the settlers are doing well, and seem contented. The only complaint made is about an unsatisfactory train service between Johnsonville and Wellington, where a number of the settlers are employed or in business of their own. Some of the sections have changed hands, and have been taken over by suitable men. All the sections are improved, and the gardens and plantations are looking well. Ohakea is situated near the Township of Bull's. It comprises fifteen sections, with a total area of 1,737 acres. Eleven settlers are residing; two are building and will reside shortly. One is residing with his parents on adjoining land, and has not made any preparation for residence as yet. Ten new houses have been built; 1,283 chains of new fencing erected (exclusive of fencing on land when selected); 586 acres have been ploughed and cropped, yielding from 45 to 60 bushels per acre. The total value of improvements made by settlers at their own cost is £2,853. There are fifty-one people in the settlement, and the stock comprises 408 head of cattle, 58 horses, 2,434 sheep, and 137 pigs. Ten settlers supply milk to the Ohakea Creamery, and the total number of dairy cows is 248. The settlers are of a superior class, and the settlement is an undoubted success. Te Matua is near Awahuri, and on the main road to Palmerston North. The total area is 702 acres, divided into thirteen sections, and all are occupied. Improvements to the value of £482 have been done, and the total value of improvements now on the land is £2,305, showing a surplus of £1,823 over and above the requirements. 13 acres has been stumped and ploughed, 556 chains of fencing erected, arid the total value of the settlers' own improvements is