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TABANAKI. The land transactions for the year ending the 31st March, 1902, are shown in the subjoined summary : —

Lands offered and disposed of during the Fear.—The total area of land open for selection at the close of the last financial year was 58,451 acres, and during the year 23,322 acres was put on the market, making a total area of 81,773 acres available. Of this area some 22,096 acres was taken up, leaving 59,677 acres open on the 31st March, 1902. All these lands comprise mostly country only suitable for pastoral purposes, and can only be taken up by men with means_ enough to put large areas into grass to get sufficient returns to pay for the expense. Added to this is the difficulty of access, which is met with in almost every instance, and in itself is a great handicap to the settler. As a reason for only a third of the area being opened that was put up last year, it may be mentioned here—and it was referred to in my predecessor's report last year—that the Land Board is adverse to opening blocks of land for selection until the roadworks to give access to them are sufficiently advanced to enable the people to get to their lands, at least by a horse-track, and make some use of them in return for the rent paid. Cash Lands.— -The principal sales of town lands for cash were in Stratford, Huiroa, and Mangaehu. In the former, all the nineteen sections except one were quitted at advances on the upset" prices. At Huiroa seventy-one sections were offered and sixteen disposed of, some at advances on upsets. This town is near to the projected line of railway from Stratford to Whangamomona, and buyers were probably attracted by the prospects of its proximity. Mangaehu is a recently surveyed village and suburban site, about four miles from the Ohura Eoad, between Toko and Strathmore; thirty-seven sections were offered and fourteen disposed of, there being fair competition also for these. In the Village of Makaka ten sections were offered and six quitted at the upset Drices, and in Mangamingi Village the remaining three sections were disposed of at the upsets. Bural lands sold for cash comprised six sections, with a total area of 2,909 acres, they having been opened on the optional system. Deferred Payments.—The number of conversions to freeholds is only twelve, as against twentyseven last year. The yearly loss of revenue by the conversions is £143 ss. 4d. Optional Lease System"—On account of the comparatively small area opened for selection, this year's figures show only thirty-three new selections, against 145 last year, the majority of them being under the occupation-with-right-of-purchase tenure. A large proportion of the selections were taken up without a ballot being necessary. Special Settlements.— All these are held under the lease-in-perpetuity tenure, and the year s operations show no variation, except in regard to rents received, which amount to £140 less than last year's receipts. Those non-resident have been dealt with by the Land Board, and they have either transferred to persons willing to reside or have been granted time in which to carry out the conditions. . . Small Grazing-runs.— -The area held has been increased by one new selection during the year, and there are no other changes to report. There are at present only two runs in the market,

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Glass of Selection. Transactioi is during the Year. Held at Slat March, 1902. ° Revenue received during . the Year. Area. Number. . Area. Number. Cash Deferred payment Deferred payment made freehold Perpetual lease Perpetual lease made freehold Occupation with right of purchase Lease in perpetuity Lease in perpetuity, land for settlements Village settlements — Occupation with right of purchase Lease in perpetuity Special settlements, lease in perpetuity Improved - farm settlements, lease in perpetuity Small grazing-runs Miscellaneous leases Transfer and other fees Miscellaneous receipts Crown-grant fees ... Survey liens, &c. ... Endowments 43 A. B. P. 3,137 1 2 31 A. B. P. 4,244 3 0 £ s. d. 4,253 12 4 400 16 8 784 13 11 12 1,570 3 20 28 24 7,301 0 38 12,407 1 0 43. 11,880 1 6 844 17 10 6,369 13 11 4,804 1 4 302 120,194 0 3 9 8 3,299 2 0 878 1 35 256 6 74,181 1 12 653 1 35 3,222 i 3 577 12 6 16 13 0 0 3 6 9 8 74 65 0 13 16,565 2 0 6 14 6 898 2 2 127 11,959 2 13 953 12 8 1 8 4,220 0 0 342 3 4 24 81 29,530 0 0 1,175 2 31 318 8 3 371 11 11 103 16 0 156 1 7 85 14 11 145 2 1 348 0 7 14 7,965 3 4 Totals ■ ... 133 33,157 1 19 982 278,428 1 37 24,648 4 2