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EXTBACTS FBOM THE BEPOBTS OF THE COMMISSIONEES OF CEOWN LANDS ON SETTLEMENT OPEBATIONS DTJBING THE TWELVE MONTHS WHICH ENDED ON THE 31st MABCH, 1902. AUCKLAND. The revenue for this year shows an increase of £5,588 compared with the previous year, but the total area of land selected shows a decrease of 117,021 acres. 511 selectors absorbed 122,821 acres of Crown land. The revenue totals £65,406, and with the endowment revenue added gives the total of £67,005, which is the largest sum ever received in this land district. The following is the summary of land transactions for the year 1901-2 : —

Summary of Land Transactions during the Year 1901-2.

I—c, 1.


Transactions during the Year. Leasehold Area held on 31st March, 1901. Class of Selection. Revenue received during the Year. Number. Area. Number. Area. Cash— Town ... Suburban Sural ... 30 15 101 A. 39 222 10,223 B. P. 2 28 2 33 0 7 A. E. P. £ s. d. Total cash Deferred payment... Deferred payment made freehold Perpetual lease Perpetual lease, freehold Occupation with right of purchase Lease in perpetuity* Lease in perpetuity, lands for settlements Mining districts land occupation Agricultural lease Village - homestead special settlement Special - settlement associations 146 10,485 1 28 12,585 3 29 7,154 16 2 733 9 11 18 2,620 2 2 108 94 192 24,264" 3 18 61,396 0 14 387 82,875 2 35 2,438 0 7 11,060 5 2 7,750 0 9 1,649 404,25l" 0 29 111 3 26,445 3 21 2,535 3 38 941 149 192,340 3 18 32,364 3 38 3,556 19 9 4,287 1 0 31 1,435 0 11 136 6,251 1 1 134 0 7 1 61 20 2 0 2,352 0 30 25o"l6 9 93 15,670 0 0 150 5 6 Improved-farm settlement ... Homestead Small grazing-runs Pastoral runs Land for settlements, miscellaneous Miscellaneous leases Eoyalty on coal flax ... "g 16,499" 2 0 50 13 10 25 9 4,792 1 17 1,478 0 13 58,697 2 0 133,216 0 27 159 2 31 251 0 11 476 6 11 164 4 0 177 6 1 42 6,498 1 39 25,606-10 tons 20 tons 162 40,020 2 23 569 9 6 506 15 6 2 0 0 12,655 12 10 9,581 11 2 1,511 3 10 185 18 5 1,809 12 0 1,598 7 10 „ timber 1 96 logs, 2 trees, and 17,497,810 ft. 1 i On ao count State Forests 5,754 3 33 Thermal springs Survey liens on Native land Other sources Endowments ... 247 Total 643 152,181 3 11 4,041 992,832 0 4 67,005 5 2 * Includes 2,474 acres 2 r< iods 5 perches, 20 exchanges from other tenures.