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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Servtces.


.tem. 19 2-3. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. VOTE No. 52. Grants to Education Boards for — Teachers' Salaries (including modifications under sections 3 and 4 of Teachers' Salaries Act) £410,000 Less revenue from reserves ... 40,000, 370,000 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 3 4 5 Additional capitation, 9d. per head, in terms of Teachers' Salaries Act, 1901 General Administrative Purposes : Capitation on average attendance—115,500 at lis. 3d. Additional grant of £250 per annum to each Education Board Relieving Teachers : Capitation, on average attendance —115,500 at 6d. ... ... ' Training of Teach ers District High Schools —Capitation and grants-in-aid ... Grant in aid, Educational Institute Scholarships Grants, Sewing Mistresses Scholarships for Maoris Railway fares of Teachers and Instructors of Trainingschools Scholarships and free secondary education... Conveyance of School-children Examinations (Teachers' and Civil Service), (1901-2, 1902-3) Preparation of Standard Test-questions in Arithmetic and Pupil-teacher Examination-papers (2 years) Rebuilding and furnishing of schools destroyed by fire Rent of temporary premises during the rebuilding of schools destroyed by fire Schools at Chatham Islands Contingencies Drill in Schools — Capitation, rifles, instructors, &c. Commanding Officer 2,250 64,969 3,250 2,000 1,500 4,000 70 8,000 1,000 100 1,000 500 3,500 16 800 17 18 50 5,000 19 20 587 500 200 21 22 • 2,000 300 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891 " 471,576 800 Total—Vote No. 52 ... 470,776 NATIVE SCHOOLS, 1902-3. Total number of officers ... 175 VOTE No. 53. Salaries — Organizing Inspector Organizing and Practical Instructor Salaries of Masters, &c, for Village Schools 450 250 13,850 14,550 2 3 Other Charges— Allowances for warming School-rooms, Flags, Pictures, &c. Boarding-school Charges, Apprenticeship, and Higher Education of Native Youths (including material, passages, &c.) 100 2,200