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(No. 15.) No - 79 - Sift, — Government House, Wellington, 10th March, 1902. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch (New Zealand, No. 5) dated the 18th January, 1902, relative to teachers for South Africa. My Government will endeavour to select twenty, the number desired. I nnvp iY~p The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. ]:, Secretary of State for the Colonies.

A.-2, 1902, No. 111.

/at mS No. 80. (No. 16.) Sib, — Government House, Wellington, 10th March, 1902. In reply to your despatch (No. 107) of the 27th September, 1901, on the question of the proposed extension of the area of investment of the sinking fund for redemption of the New Zealand 4 per cent. Imperial guaranteed debentures, and containing an enclosure from the Treasury pointing out that the sinking fund will probably fall short of the amount of the loan, I have the honour to inform you that my Government consider that the accretions of the sinking fund will be certain to be found sufficient to provide for the redemption of such debentures as may be out of their hands. In the event of the sale of the debentures in excess of ,£600,000, the New Zealand Government will immediately provide an increased sinking fund, prior to the debentures maturing, sufficient to secure accretions amounting to one million. The New Zealand Government are now paying £4 per cent, on the whole million, and the accretions would be short by some £45,000 or £50,000 when the debentures mature ; but if only £600,000 of this million are afloat there would be an excess of about £355,000. Under such circumstances, my Government consider that it would be useless and unnecessary to increase the yearly charge for sinking fund without any absolute necessity. I have, &c. The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. Under Secretary of State for the Colonies.

(No. 17.) No - 8L Sic, —' Government House, Wellington, 10th March, 1902. I have the honour, in reply to your telegram of 25th February, to send you as therein requested copies of the resolutions which my Government desire to be proposed and discussed at the Conference of Fremiers. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

Enclosure. Notices of Motion. (A.) <.That it is essential to the well-being of the Mother-country and His Majesty's dominions beyond the seas, that in such dominions, where the same do not now exist, preferential tariffs by way of rebate of duties on British manufactured goods carried in British-owned ships should be granted, and that in the Mother-country rebate of duty on colonial products now taxable should be conceded. (B.) That it is desirable to have an Imperial reserve force formed in each of His Majesty's dominions over the seas, for service in case of emergency outside the dominion or colony in which such reserve is formed. The limits within which such reserve force may be employed outside the colony wherein it is raised to be defined by the Imperial and the Colonial Governments at the time such reserve is formed, and to be in accordance with any law in force for the time being respecting the same. The cost of maintaining and equipping such Imperial reserve force to be defrayed in such proportion and manner as may be agreed upon between the Imperial and Colonial Governments. (C.) That the Australian Squadron be strengthened : (a) by increasing the number of cruisers; (b) by withdrawing some of the inferior gunboats, and replacing them with modern and better class cruisers ; and (c) by adding torpedo catchers or destroyers, if deemed necessary. The cost of maintenance entailed to be defrayed in the same proportion as provided under the existing agreement, and on population basis.