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Schedule of Petitions praying for the Entire Suppression of the Totalisator.

No. 282.—Petition of James Smith, of Pahiatua. Petitionee prays for a grant for military services rendered to the colony. I am directed to report that this Committee strongly recommends the Government to give effect to the decisions arrived at by previous Committees on the petitions of E. Hutchings and others— viz., " That, in the opinion of the Committee, petitioners are entitled to a sum of £20 each by way of refund of moneys actually paid out of pocket at the time the members of the Wellington Defence Force, at their own expense, made their way to the front " —and regrets that these recommendations have not been given effect to, considering the just claims the petitioners have against the State. 17th September, 1902. __

Nos. 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, and 185. — Petitions of H. Peacocke and 17 Others, L. P. Moeein and 152 Others, E. Glenny and 37 Others, Jane K. Gow and 11 Others, Jane Wilson and 24 Others, Edith Tye and 38 Others, and M. J. Kent and 14 Others. Petitionees pray that the Young Persons Protection Bill may be passed. I am directed to report that, as there is a measure now before the House dealing with the subject-matter of the petitions, the Committee recommends they be referred to the Government for consideration. 17th September, 1902.

Nos. 127 and 128.—Petitions of Maby McCaethy and 47 Others and Jessie Mackenzie and 6 Others, of Auckland. Petitionees pray that provision may be made for the shelter and management of weak-minded or imbecile and idiotic children, &c. I am directed to report that this Committee reaffirms the resolutions reported to the House on the 11th July, 1900, and the 31st July, 1901, in connection with similar petitions—viz., " That the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration,

No. Name. natures. Name. Signature! I! 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 27 28 30 31 32 33 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 68 69 75 76 77 78 87 88 89 91 93 97 112 114 119 •120 121 J. Ward and others G. D. Cox and others G. Hounsell and others R. Pennell and others J. E. Bull and others T. E. Toneyclifis and others .. Rev. R. Taylor and others K. W. Grant and others Rev. A. Gray and others J. Christie and others A. Williams and others Rev. J. L. Pattulo and others.. A. B. Todd and others Rev. A. Greig and others Rev. Dr. Elmslie and others .. R. P. Anderson and others J. B. Shacklock and others C. J. Bush and others B. Vanes and others Rev. R. F. Macnicol and others H. H. Driver and others J. Muirhead and others .. » T. Adams and others J. J. Pope and others Rev. P. Ramsay and others .. C. Macdonald and others Rev. A. C. Stace and others .. R. Schofield and others Rev. T. Trestrail and others .. W. B. Marten and others Margaret Miller and others Rev. G. W. Spence and others W. Bourne and others F. Hales and others J. M. Thomson and others Rev. J. Dukes and others Rev. J. S. Reid and others Miss J. Ardern and others A. Mildenhall and others D. K. Fisher and others Rev. J. McLaw and others J. Renshaw and others John Edie and others M. A. Rugby Pratt and others W. Robertson and others T. Wagstafl and others 35 51 33 25 60 62 62 56 27 60 79 44 52 95 84 45 112 26 64 84 477 64 62 24 32 64 63 62 64 32 74 64 41 35 59 137 95 59 11 37 64 26 45 53 40 34 129 130 131 132 133 134 149 150 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 192 196 205 221 222 234 236 238 243 262 263 264 266 271 275 276 280 281 290 291 313 317 357 361 362 365 373 382 420 W. S. Potter and others J. T. Pinfold and others A. R. Miller and others H. Bull and others J. E. Crook and others Rev. W. G. Dixon and others G. Andrews and others J. M. Fraser and others J. S. Smalley and others J. D. Joy and others P. McDonald and others S. F. Bennett and others A. G. Cathie and others E. Gray and others A. Crawford and others R. M. Ryburn and others W. S. Bean and others H. Berwick and others A. Sutherland and others J. Findlay and others W. Tinsley and others W. Hutton and others W. Coull and others E. Drake and others R. J. Thompson and others .. Emma Mexted and others Jane Hunt and others Dr. Nicholson and others T. N. Griffin and others Bertha Fraser and others William Collis and others J. N. Buttle and others T. Walker and others J. H. White and others Rev. W. H. Philip and others F. E. Menzies and others G. F. Glen and others A. Brunsden and others T. G. Carr and others W. Harper and others Mrs. Henderson, S. Billclifi and others L. Downhard and others M. Vaney and others 46 32 33 32 25 64 60 43 48 54 22 32 14 60 93 93 13 150 266 56 66 87 153 52 73 49 59 25 41 64 197 62 135 33 101 30 1,238 38 24 50 153 60 25 163 7,143