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No. s.—Petition of John Heath Newlyn, of Christchurch. Petitionee states that he is the originator of the scheme known as the " cheap-money scheme" in the year 1884, &c. He prays for consideration. I am directed to report that, while the Committee recognises that the petitioner formulated a scheme for Government advancing cheap money to settlers by utilising the public credit, and publicly advocated the same, there is not sufficient evidence to show that the scheme as propounded by the petitioner in May, 1884, was original, and could profitably be applied at the time, in consequence of the high rate of interest then obtaining. 21st August, 1902.

No. 126.—Petition of Aethue Albeet Pantham, of Hawera. Petitionee states that in February, 1884, he advocated a scheme of Government advances to settlers at a lower rate of interest than at that time obtaining, &c. He prays for consideration. I am directed to report that, as the evidence before the Committee shows the petitioner was the first to formulate a scheme for advancing money to farmers by Government, the Committee considers that in that respect the petitioner is entitled to public recognition for propounding the said scheme. 21st August, 1902.

No. 208. —Petition of John Kinneae McDonald, of Waingaro. Petitionee prays that he may receive recognition for his military services rendered to the colony. I am directed to report that this Committee affirms the resolution reported to the House on the 24th September, 1896—viz., " That, as the Waste Lands Committee has already reported favourably on this petition, the Committee is of opinion it should be referred to the Government for consideration." 22nd August, 1902. __

No. 274.—Petition of J. Eattbay and Son and 675 Others, of Dunedin, Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch. Petitionees pray that legislation may be passed to suppress the use of coupons and similar devices in connection with the sale of packets and packages of tea or other goods. I am directed to report that, having heard the prayer of the petition, this Committee wishes to emphasize and strongly recommend the resolution reported to the House last session—viz., " That, in the opinion of the Committee, the Government should amend ' The Trading-stamps Abolition and Discount-stamps Issue Act, 1900,' so as to include the coupon system of discounts, the Committee being of opinion that no system of discounts, except made in cash, is equitable or desirable in the interests of commercial morality." 28th August, 1902.

Nos. 186, 187, and 188.—Petition of Adam John McClusky, of Auckland. Petitionee, who has been employed in the Police and Prisons Departments, and who has been discharged therefrom, prays that his grievances may be inquired into, and that he may be granted compensation for loss of office. I am directed to report that, having considered the petitions, and as no further evidence has been adduced, the Committee is of opinion the petitioner has no claim whatever on the colony. 28th August, 1902.

No. 167.—Petition of John Petees, of Wanganui. Petitionee states that he has been wrongfully confined in the Porirua Lunatic Asylum, &c. He prays for an inquiry, and that he may be paid compensation for loss and wrongs he has suffered. I am directed to report that, having heard the prayer of the petition, the evidence of the Superintendent of the Porirua Asylum, and of the petitioner, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 29th August, 1902.

No. 286. —Petition of Thomas Moyle, of Great Barrier Island. Petitionee prays that he may be granted 60 acres of land, or £30 in lieu thereof, for military services rendered to the colony. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 3rd September, 1902.

No. 287. —Petition of Geoege Manchestee and 8 Others, of Waimate. Petitionees pray that a fairer system of valuations for the purposes of rating may be introduced, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. sth September, 1902.