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and 34 of Block XI. aforesaid to the Mangatawhiri River; thence by the said Mangatawhiri River to the north-western corner of Section No. 48a (timber reserve) ; thence by a right line to the northeastern corner of Section No. 12 of Block VII., Opaheke Survey District; thence again towards the east by the eastern boundary-lines of the said Section No. 12 and the eastern boundary-line of Section No. 13 of Block XL, Opaheke Survey District, to the south-eastern corner of the lastmentioned section : thence again towards the south by the southern boundary-line of the said Section No. 13 to the road forming the western boundary of that section : thence towards the west by the said road and its continuation to the northern corner of Section No. 130, Parish of Opaheke, Opaheke Survey District: thence towards the south-east generally by the road forming the western boundary of the said Section No. 130 to Section No. 129 ; thence by the said Section No. 129 to the road forming the north-western boundary of that section ; thence by the last-mentioned road and that road continued to Section No. 117 of the said Parish of Opaheke, Opaheke Survey District: thence again towards the south by Sections Nos. 117, 116, 115, 245, and 246 of the said Parish of Opaheke to the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Section No. 172 of the Parish of Opaheke aforesaid ; thence by the last-mentioned road to Section No. 171 of the Parish of Opaheke, Opaheke Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 171 and by Sections Nos. 169 and 166 of the said Parish of Opaheke. to the road at the eastern boundary of Section No. 164; thence by that road and its continuation passing Sections Nos. 164, 213, 116, 117, 102, 95, and 98, and intersecting Sections Nos. 49 and 50, all of the Parish of Opaheke, to the Great South Road : thence towards the south-west generally by the Great South Road to the Hingaia River; thence by the Hingaia River and the Pahurehure River to Manukau Harbour; thence by Manukau Harbour to the Mangere Bridge; thence by the said Mangere Bridge to the northern shore of Manukau Harbour; and thence by the northern shore of Manukau Harbour to the western boundary of the Borough of Onehunga at the Eden Electoral District aforesaid, the place of commencement: including Ponui Island, Waiheke Island, Rotoroa Island, Pakatoa Island, Pahiki Island, Rakino Island, Motutapu Island, Rangitoto Island, Motuihi Island, Brown's Island, and adjacent islands. Franklin. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Manukau Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the mouth of the Pahurehure River to the Firth of Thames : thence towards the east by a right line to the easternmost corner of Section No. 1 of Block VIII., Wharekawa Survey District; thence by a right line to the northernmost corner of Section No. lof Block XL, Piako Survey District; thence by the north-eastern boundary-lines of Sections Nos. 1 and 2of the said Block XL ; thence by the southern boundary-line of the last-named section to the line known as the confiscation boundary-line ; thence by the confiscation boundary-line to a point due west of the summit of Te Aroha Mountain : thence again towards the north generally by a right line in the direction of the summit of Te Aroha Mountain to the left bank of the Waitoa River ; thence by the said Waitoa River to its confluence with the Piraunui Stream ; thence by the said Piraunui Stream to its confluence with the Waiwhero Stream ; and thence by the right bank of the said Waiwhero Stream to the north-western corner of Section No. 6 of Te Kapara Block ; thence by the north-western boundary-line of the said Te Kapara Block and by the street forming the southeastern boundary of the Waihou Township to the north-eastern boundary-line of Section No. 6 of Te Kapara Block, in Block XL, Aroha Survey District; thence by the north-eastern boundaryline of the said Section No. 6 to the road which forms the south-eastern boundary of Section No. 97 : thence towards the north-west by that road and the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Sections Nos. 90, 89, 100, and 101: thence towards the south-west by the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Sections Nos. 101, 102, 103, 44, 43, 32, and 33 to the road forming the southern boundary of Section No. 99 : thence towards the north by that road and the road forming the southern boundary of the following sections —viz. : Nos. 102, 103, 108, 5 (south portion of), 7, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 40, in Block XL, Aroha Survey District, and the south side of the last-mentioned road produced to the Waihou River ; thence towards the north-east by the Waihou River to the south-eastern corner of the Waiharakeke West No. 2b Block; thence towards the south-west by a right line in the direction of the easternmost corner of the Pourewa Block in the Maungakawa Survey District as far as the Waitoa River : thence towards the west by the said Waitoa River to where it is crossed by the Hamilton-Te Aroha Railway-line : thence again towards the south-east generally by the said fiamilton-Te Aroha Railway-line to Tatua Railway-station ; thence by the road leading south-westerly passing Murray's Railway-station to the Piako River; thence by the said Piako River to its confluence with the Topehake River; thence by the said Topehake River to its confluence with the Waitakarura River ; thence by a right line to the southernmost corner of the Township of Morrinsville; thence by the south-western boundary-line of the Township of Morrinsville to the road leading westerly from Morrinsville ; thence by that road and its continuation westerly, passing Motumaoho Railway-station, and intersecting the Kuranui Block and the Mangaotupua Block to a right line joining Hapuakohe and Pukemoremore Trig. Stations known as the confiscation boundary-line; thence by that line to the Hamilton-Te Aroha Railway-line; thence by the Hamilton-Te Aroha Railway-line to the road forming the south-western boundaries of Section No. 241 of the Parish of Kirikiriroa, Komakorau Survey District : thence again towards the southwest generally by that road to its junction with the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section No. 196 of the said parish; thence by the last-mentioned road and its continuation westerly to the road forming the western boundary of Section No. 192 of the Parish of Kirikiriroa aforesaid; thence by the road forming the western boundaries of Sections Nos. 192, 191, 190, 189, 188, 187, 186, 184, 182, 149, 148, 147, 146, 145, 144, 143, 142, 141, 140, 139, 138, 137, 86, 85, 84, and 83 of the Parish of Kirikiriroa to Tunawhakapeke Lake; thence by the western shore of that lake to the north-eastern boundary-line of Section No. 82 of the said Parish of Kirikiriroa ; thence by the said Sections Nos. 82, 76, and 75 to the road at the north-western boundary of the last-