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35. " The Trustee Amendment Act, 1901."—Consolidating the law relating to the appointment of new trustees and enlarging the powers of trustees in certain cases. 36. "The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1901." —Authorising the raising of a loan of £1,250,000 to be applied in the construction of the public works stated in the Schedule to the Act. 37. " The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Amendment Act, 1901."—Providing that awards of the Court may be enforced against trade-unions, and otherwise amending " The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1900." 38. "The Public-school Teachers' Salaries Act, 1901." —Creating a colonial scale of staffing and pay of teachers of public schools. 39. "The Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1901."—Consolidating the law relating to the raising of loans by local bodies, and to the granting of loans to those bodies by the Government. 40. " The Local Bodies' Goldfields Public Works and Loans Act, 1901."—Making provision for the raising of loans by local bodies on goldfields. 41. " The Egmont National Park Act, 1901."—Extending the powers of the Board. 42. " The Maori Lands Administration Amendment Act, 1901."—Amending " The Maori Lands Administration Act, 1900." 43. "The Pariroa Native Reserves Act, 1901."—Vesting certain Native lands in the Public Trustee for the benefit of certain tribes, and reserving a piece of land as a site for a Native school. • 44. " The Cook and Other Islands Government Act, 1901."—Being a temporary measure providing for the government of the Cook Group and other islands recently added to New Zealand. 45. "The Government Railways Department Classification Act, 1901."—Providing for the classification and regulation of the Department. 46. " The Coal-mines Act Amendment Act, 1901."—Reducing the minimum royalty on broken coal, extending the right of inspection of a mine by miners, and limiting the working-hours of miners. 48. " The State Coal-mines Act, 1901."—Enabling His Majesty to acquire and work coal-mines in New Zealand. 48. " The Payment of Members Act, 1901." —Increasing the rate of payment ef members of the General Assembly. 49. "The Public Health Amendment Act, 1901."—Enabling the Governor to prohibit the importation of certain articles, and extending the provisions of " The Public Health Act, 1900," to the Chatham Islands. (The provisions of this Act are incorporated in Act No. 61, hereinafter mentioned.) 50. " The Old-age Pensions Amendment Act, 1901."—Providing cheeks against fraud on the part of applicants, and enabling the pensions granted to Maoris to be administered by the Native Minister. 51. "The Westland and Nelson Coalfields Administration Act, 1901."—Endowing the Westport Harbour Board with certain lands and authorising the Board to prospect for coal. 52. " The Railways Authorisation Act, 1901." —Authorising the construction by the Governor, on behalf of His Majesty, of certain railways. 53. " The Military Pensions Act, 1901."—Extending " The Military Pensions Extension to Contingents Act, 1900," to the Sixth and Seventh Contingents serving in South Africa. 54. " The School Attendance Act, 1901."—Making better provision for the attendance of children at school. 55. "The Public Trust Office Act, 1901."—Enlarging the powers of the Public Trustee in small estates. 56. " The Criminal Code Amendment Act, 1901."—Providing for the punishment by imprisonment for publishing defamatory matter except in privileged cases. 57. "The Registration of Births Extension Act, 1901," extending the time within which the birth of a child may be registered. 58. " The Companies Act, 1901."—Providing for the protection of shareholders. 59. " The Factories Act, 1901."—Consolidating the law relating to the registration and regulation of factories, and limiting the working-hours therein. 60. " The Mining Act Amendment Act, 1901."—Amending " The Mining Act, 1898," in various matters. 61. " The Public Health Amendment Act, 1901 (No. 2)." —Enabling the Governor to prohibit the importation of certain articles, amending " The Public Health Act, 1900," as to quarantine and in other matters, and extending the Act to the Chatham Islands. 62. " The Chatham Islands County Act, 1901."—Constituting the Chatham Islands a county for purposes of local government." 63. " The Timber Export Act, 1901."—Authorising the levy and collection on behalf of His Majesty of certain duties on the exportation of timber. 64. " The Nelson Harbour Board Amendment Act, 1901."—Redefining the Nelson Harbour District, and the endowments of the Board, and providing for the management of the Motueka Wharf by a separate Board. 65. " The Native Land Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment Act, 1901."—To determine certain claims and disputes, and to fulfil certain contracts and promises made by or on behalf of the Government, and amending the law relating to Native lands. 66. " The Maori Councils Act Amendment Act, 1901."—Amending " The Maori Councils Act, 1900." 68. "The Flax Grading and Export Act, 1901."—Providing for the grading of flax on its exportation.