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No. 62. (No. 117.) Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 2nd November, 1901. With reference to your circular despatch of the 26th August, 1901, regarding the system of weights and measures existing in the colony, I have the honour to enclose you two copies of each of the following : " The Weights and Measures Act, 1868 " ; " The Weights and Measures Act Amendment Act, 1900 "; Eegulations under " The Weights and Measures Act, 1868," fixing scale of fees, made 18th March, 1873. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

A.-2, 1902, No. 72.

No. 63. (No. 119.) Sir,- — Government House, Wellington, 7th November, 1901. In reply to your despatch (General, New Zealand) of the 27th August, 1901, renewing the invitation to my Government to participate in the International Telegraph Conference, to be held in London on the 10th February next, I have the honour to inform you that the Hon. William Pember Eeeves, Agent-General for New Zealand, will represent this colony. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

A.-2, 1902. No. 73.

No. 64. (No. 121.) Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 22nd November, 1901. I have the honour to inform you that I prorogued the second session of the Fourteenth Parliament of New Zealand on the Bth instant. I have, &c, . The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

No. 65. (No. 122.) Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 23rd November, 1901. I have the honour to inform you, in reply to your circular despatch dated the 23rd July, 1901, relative to the German South Pole Expedition, that my Government have arranged to take magnetic observations, and have issued instructions for meteorological observations to be taken at various lighthouses, and have also asked masters of steamers to co-operate in this matter. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

A.-2, 1902, No. 59.

No. 66. (No. 123.) Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 23rd November, 1901. In reply to your despatch (New Zealand, General) dated the 28th June, 1901, relative to an additional Act modifying the Industrial Property Convention of 20th March, 1883, I have the honour to inform you that my Government desires to adhere to the same, and respectfully request that His Majesty's Government will notify the Belgian Government accordingly. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

A.-2, 1902, No. 51.

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