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Thursday, 4th Septembee, 1902. The Commissioners met at 10.30 a.m. All the members were present. Dr. Bauchop was examined. The Commission adjourned at 1 p.m. until 10.30 a.m. next day.

Feiday, sth September, 1902. The Commissioners met at 10.30 a.m. All the members were present. The following witnesses were examined: Sergeant-Major Calvert, Colonel Davies (recalled) Drs. Mason and Purdy (recalled), Troopers Percy and Coates ("Orient"). The Commission adjourned at 6 p.m. until 10.30 a.m. next day.

Saturday, 6th September, 1902. The Commission met at 10.30 a.m. All the members were present. The following witnesses were examined: Lieut. - Colonel Abbott and Major O'Brien (" Orient"). The Commission adjourned at 1 p.m. until 11 a.m. on Monday, Bth September, 1902.

Monday, Bth September, 1902. The Commissioners met at 11 a.m. Present: Sir W. E. Eussell and Mr. J. A. Millar, M.H.R.s. Mr. Nelson, of the Tomoana Freezing-works, gave evidence. The Commission adjourned at 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. next day.

Tuesday, 9th September, 1902. The Commissioners met at 3 p.m. All the members were present. It was decided not to call any further evidence. An outline of the proposed report of the Commission was read. The Commission adjourned at 4.45 p.m. until next day.

Wednesday, 10th September, 1902. The Commissioners were engaged in drafting the report. A further extension of time to report was applied for to His Excellency the Governor.

Thursday, 11th September, 1902. The Commissioners met at 3 p.m. All the members were present. A rough draft of the report was submitted and discussed. A further extension of time to report was granted by His Excellency. The Commission adjourned at 5 p.m. until Wednesday next, the 17th instant

Wednesday, 17th September, 1902. The Commissioners met at 3 p.m. All the members were present. The report was submitted and discussed. The Commission adjourned at 5.30 p.m. until 8 p.m. On resuming at 8 p.m. the report was further considered. The Commission adjourned at 11.45 p.m. until 3 p.m. next day.

Thursday, 18th September, 1902. The Commissioners met at 3 p.m. All the members were present. The report of the Commission was further considered. The Commission adjourned at 5.30 p.m., and resumed sitting again at 8 p.m., and adjourned at 12.40 a.m. until 3 p.m. next day.

Friday, 19th September, 1902. The Commissioners met at 3 p.m. All the members were present. The report was again under consideration. The Commission adjourned at 6.15 p.m.

Monday, 22nd September, 1902. The Commissioners met at 11 a.m. Sir W. R. Bussell and J. A. Millar, Esq., Ms.H.R., were present. The report was finally approved of, and arrangements were made to sign it and send it on to His Exeelle.ncy with a copy of the evidence to-morrow (Tuesday). The Commission adjourned at 12 noon.

Tuesday, 23rd September, 1902. The Commissioners met at 11.30 a.m. All the members were present. The report was signed, and sent on to His Excellency the Governor through the ActingPremier. The Commissioners place on record their appreciation of the services of the Secretary (Mr. J. W. Collins), who by his energy enabled the Commission to report more speedily than they anticipated. The Commission adjourned at 11.50 a.m.