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No. 44. (No. 85.) Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 7th August, 1901. With reference to your despatch (New Zealand, No. 58) dated the 23rd May, 1901, forwarding an inquiry from Lord Milner as to whether barristers and solicitors of the Cape Colony and the Transvaal are or will be allowed to practise in New Zealand, &c, I have the honour to submit as an answer to Lord Milner the following extract from " The Law Practitioners Act, 1882," of this colony as to who may be admitted here: " Any person who has been admitted as a " barrister or solicitor in any Superior or Supreme Court of any part of His " Majesty's dominions, and who has passed an examination as hereinafter pro- " vided in the knowledge of the law of New Zealand in as far as it differs from " the law of England." I have, &c, The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

A -2, 1902, No. 44.

No. 45. (No. 87.) Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 15th August, 1901. I have the honour to inform you that Sir John McKenzie, K.C.M.G., died on the 6th August, at his residence, after a prolonged illness. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

No. 46. (No. 91.) Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 29th August, 1901. I have the honour to forward you herewith addresses from Auckland and Napier respectively, expressive of sorrow and regret at the loss sustained by His Majesty the King by the death of the late Empress Dowager of Germany. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

No. 47. (No. 92.) Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 29th August, 1901. With reference to your despatch (New Zealand) circular dated the 28th June, 1901, asking that all possible facilities may be afforded to the German South Pole expeditionary ship " Gauss," I have the honour to inform you that my Government will be pleased to do what they can for the expedition should the ship touch at New Zealand ports. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

A.-2, 1902. No. 50.

No. 48. (No. 95.) Sir, —• Government House, Wellington, 14th September, 1901. With reference to your despatch circular dated 10th June, 1901, relative to a memorial of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, 1 have the honour to inform you that my Government do not see their way to make an appeal to the people for funds for the memorial in London, as in three of the principal

A.-2, 1902, No. 47.