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No. 118. The Eesident Agent for New Zealand, San Francisco, to the Secketaby, General Post Office, Wellington. Sib, — Eesident Agency'for New Zealand, San Francisco, 11th November, 1901. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 16th October, in connection with the arrival of the " Ventura" at this port on 2nd September. I note you approve of my action in, conveying the thanks of the Department to the management of the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Eailroad, in connection with their running of a special train from Omaha, enabling a connection to be made with the " Campania." I note that you think it desirable that I should, in connection with Messrs. Spreckels Bros., endeavour to influence the quarantine authorities at this port to waive all possible technicalities to expedite the landing of the colonial mails. You will probably recognise that it is extremely difficult to arrange any modification of the United States quarantine regulations, the quarantine officer in charge residing at Angel Island, some distance from this port. As he has no public telephone connection, it is extremely difficult to get at this gentleman. I have, however, in conjunction with Mr. Hug (secretary of Messrs. Spreckels Bros.), arranged to have a meeting with the quarantine officer when next he should visit this city, so that we may talk the matter over and endeavour to enlist his interest and secure his QO-operation in the direction desired. I would say, however, that the quarantine authorities appear disposed to assist us in every way compatible with their instructions, and assisted us materially upon the arrival of the "Ventura" last time. This steamer arrived at this port at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and it was only by the assistance of the quarantine and Customs officers and by especially smart work in effecting a transfer at the dock that we were enabled to connect with the 6 o'clock overland train that night, the result being that the mails reached New York in time to connect with the " Dmbria "on Saturday last. lam sorry a faster steamer was not scheduled to leave New York on this date, but I do not anticipate over twelve hours' delay at the other end. I beg to acknowledge the receipt of the following telegram on the 19th ultimo : " House last night approved.renewal Frisco service by thirty-five to twenty-eight votes," &c. [No. 18.] I have, &c, H. Stephenson Smith, Eesident Agent. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington.

No. 119. The J. D. Spbeckels and Bbos."Company, San Francisco, to the Secbetaby, General Post Office, Wellington. Oceanic Steamship Company, No. 327, Market Street, San Francisco, Sib,— 13th November, 1901. We have the pleasure to acknowledge receipt of your favour of the 15th ultimo, the contents of which have had our attention. We note your suggestion in regard to change in the quarantine regulations whereby the mails may be permitted to be put ashore on the arrival of the steamer at this port. We have talked over the same with Mr. Smith, and have had the matter up with the quarantine officer, and, while nothing definite has as yet been arranged, we do not think there will be any delay in landing the mails in the future. We had the assistance of both the quarantine officer and the Customs authorities in the prompt landing of the mails which arrived on the last trip of the present steamer, and they were put ashore directly the steamer reached the wharf, which enabled them to go forward by the regular overland train the same evening, connecting with the fast steamer at New York. We have no doubt that this courtesy will be extended to us on all future occasions. Yours, &c, J. D. Spbeckels and Beos. Company, The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. General Agents.

No. 120. ■ The Hon. the Premieb to the Agent-Geneeal. Sib, — Premier's Office, Wellington, 27th November, 1901. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 11th ultimo, transmitting copy of correspondence with the Imperial Post Office about the proposal to send the North Island mails by Brindisi only in the first week after the San Francisco mail had been despatched. I note that the Postmaster-General declines to make any alteration in the present arrangements as regards the route by which the mails for New Zealand are forwarded. In reply, I beg to inform you that the matter will again be brought under notice should the mail deliveries by the San Francisco service at this end show a marked improvement. I have, &c, J. G. Waed, for the Premier, The Hon W. P. Eeeves, Agent-General for New Zealand, London,