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No. 106. The Resident Agent for New Zealand, San Francisco, to the Secbetaby, General Post Office, Wellington. Sib, — Eesident Agency for New Zealand, San Francisco, 30th July, 1901. I have the honour to enclose for your information the explanation of the railway mailservice officials [not printed] of the delay to the through mails in the endeavour to make a connection with the s.s. " Campania "at New York on the loch June. The accidents reported in this case caused the detention of the mails at New York three days, and a final arrival four days late in England. There does not appear to be anything to be said or any redress procurable. Our mails seem destined to experience most unfortunate mishaps. Be kind enough to have the enclosed papers returned to me when read. I have, &c, H. Stephenson Smith, Eesident Agent. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington.

No. 107. The Secbetaby, General Post Office, Wellington, to the J. D. Spreckels and Beos. Company, San Francisco. Gentlemen, — • General Post Office, Wellington, Ist August, 1901. In continuation of my letter of the 25th ultimo, I have the honour to inform you that the weights of closed mails conveyed from Auckland by your company's vessels to Pago Pago, Apia, and Honolulu will be embodied by this office in future monthly weight-statements to be supplied you. The arrears accruing from the commencement of the present arrangement with your company for the performance of the San Francisco mail-service will be included in the next statement rendered. I have, &c, W. Geay, Secretary. Messrs. the J. D. Spreckels and Bros. Company, San Francisco.

No. 108. The Seceetaey, General Post Office, Wellington, to Messrs. Buens, Philp, -and Co., Sydney. Gentlemen, — General Post Office, Wellington, Ist August, 1901. I have the honour to enclose herewith copy of letter from this office to Messrs. the J. D. Spreckels and Bros. Company, San Francisco, about rendering statements of weights of closed mails conveyed by the San Francisco mail-steamers from Auckland to Pago Pago, Apia, and Honolulu. I have, &c, Messrs. Burns, Philp, and Co., Sydney. W. Geay, Secretary.

No. 109. The Resident Agent for New Zealand, San Francisco, to the Seceetaey, General Post Office, Wellington. Sic, — Resident Agency for New Zealand, San Francisco, 20th August, 1901. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of 23rd July. . . . The delays previously noted in the Chicago connection still continue, but, as the mails now never arrive in time at this port, it has not affected our Atlantic connection. I anticipate from three to four days' delay again this time through the late arrival of the " Sonoma." The Union Pacific and the Southern Pacific Railroads now having passed under one management, I sincerely trust an acceleration of time on the western section of the overland transit may be realised in the near future, as it is rumoured that the tracks will be put in such condition that faster time can be maintained. . . . I have, &c, H. Stephenson Smith, Resident Agent for New Zealand. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington.

No. 110. The Seoeetaey, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Resident Agent for New Zealand San Francisco. Sic, — General Post Office, Wellington, 3rd September, 1901. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 30th July last, enclosing the explanation of the railway officials in the matter of the delay to the through mails in connection with their anticipated despatch by the s. s. " Campania " from New York on the 15th June. I note that accidents were responsible for the detention of the mails at New York for three days, causing their final arrival four days late in England. Papers are returned herewith. I have, &c, W. Geay, Secretary. H. Stephenson Smith, Esq., Resident Agent for New Zealand, San Francisco,