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4. All of such vessels so employed shall each, according to its capacity, carry all the freight and passengers which may be reasonably offered or obtained, and at tariff rates, both as to passengers and freight, not exceeding the rates hereinafter set forth, that is to say,— Passenger Bates. To and from Auckland and Pago Pago and Honolulu— Pago Pago. Honolulu. £ s. d. £ a. d. Saloon, single ... ... ... ... 12 10 0 ... 30 0 0 return ... ... ... ... 20 0 0 ... 45 0 0 Steerage, single ... ... ... ... 610 0 ... 15 0 0 return ... ... ... ... 10 10 0 To and from Auckland and San Francisco— Saloon, single, £40; steerage, £16. „ return, £60; steerage, £30. Second class, single, £25. „ return, £40. Prom and to southern ports of New Zealand and Auckland : Ordinary coastal fares from or to Auckland, less 10 per cent., in addition to above. Freights. Prom Auckland to Pago Pago and Honolulu— Pago Pago. Honolulu. General cargo ... ... 40s. per 40 cubic feet ... 40s. per 40 cubic feet. Vegetables, in cases ... 255. „ ... 255. „ To Auckland from Pago Pago and Honolulu— General cargo ... ... 40s. per 40 cubic feet ... 40s. per 40 cubic feet. Fruits, in cases ... ... 255. „ Auckland to San Francisco— General cargo ... ... ... ... 50s. to 60s. per ton, 40 cubic feet. Skins ... ... ... ... 50s. per ton of 2,0001b. Hides ... ... ... ... 325. 6d. per ton of 2,0001b. San Francisco to Auckland— General cargo ... ... ... ... $8 to $16 per 40 cubic feet. Canned goods ... ... ... ... $8 to $10 „ Salmon ... ... ... ... ... $8 to $9 Hops ... ... ... ... ... $8 to $10 Wheat, flour, &c. ... ... ... ... $6 to $8 per 2,0001b. Bicycles ... ... ... ... ... $7 50 cents and upwards. An additional rate of 12s. per ton to and from main New Zealand ports south of Auckland shall be chargeable, which includes dues and labour at Auckland transhipping : Provided that no discrimination shall be made as regards tariff rates for either freights or passengers in any manner directly or indirectly against any New Zealand port, or against the New Zealand Government railways, or against any New Zealand merchant or shipper. 5. The Company shall at all times maintain all vessels used for outward services under this contract, with their machinery, tackle, and equipment, in first-class condition, as required by Lloyd's Eegistry. 6. The mails shall be conveyed seventeen times in each year (once every three weeks) from Auckland to San Francisco by way of Pago Pago and Honolulu, and the service shall be deemed to have commenced with the despatch of the " Sonoma " from Auckland on the thirtieth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and one, which shall be deemed to be the first appointed day. The vessels respectively employed to convey the mails shall leave the said Port of Auckland on the appointed days (computed as aforesaid), and at such hours on the appointed.days as may from time to time be agreed to between the Postmaster-General and the Company ( or as, in the absence of agreement, may be directed by the Postmaster-General. 7. The company, at its own expense, shall deliver and take the mails to and from the steamers and the shore, at convenient places to be from time to time appointed by the Postmaster-General, in the respective ports from and to which the mails are to be conveyed, and also shall convey the same and the officers having charge of them to and from the steamers and the shore as may be necessary, in suitable boats furnished with suitable coverings for the mails, and properly equipped and manned ; and shall from time to time convey the officers or agents of the Postmaster-General to and from the steamers and the shore at any of the said ports as often as may be necessary in the execution of their duties respectively. 8. If the Postmaster-General or his officers or agents shall in event of emergency deem it requisite for the public service that any vessel should be delayed at Auckland beyond the appointed hour of departure, it shall be lawful for the Postmaster-General or such officers or agents to order such delay for the period specified in the order, not exceeding twenty-four hours, by letter addressed to the commander of the vessel and delivered to him or to any person appearing to be in charge, or left for him at the office of the Company in the port or on board the vessel, three hours at least before the hour appointed for departure, and every such order shall be obeyed by the Company,