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Book-keeping. — For Civil Service Senior (New Regulations). Time allowed: 3 hours. [Candidates are not lequired to answer more than ten questions.] 1. What is the fundamental rule in double entry book-keeping ? 2. What is the difference between " Receipts and Payments," and " Income and Expenditure "? 3. How is double entry applied in public accounts (i.e., trust accounts), where the entries in the principal books are necessarily cash ? 4. What are "Real," "Personal," and "Nominal" accounts? Name some which would come under each classification. 5. A registered company requires principal books, subsidiary books, and statistical books. Name some of each. 6. What is "Capital"? How is it ascertained (a) in a private business; (b) in a registered company ? 7. The ledger being the summary of all the principal books (or journals), how would you classify the cash-book and the rate-roll of a Road Board. 8. What is the difference between subscribed capital and paid up capital in a company ? 9. Brown and Co. owe creditors £480; they have book-debts outstanding, £1,240; stock in hand, £500; bills receivable (undiscounted), £670; bills payable, £700; leasehold property, valued at £600: make out a balance-sheet. 10. The trial balance-sheet of W. Green's ledger on the 30th June, 1901, is as follows: — £ £ Salaries and Wages ... ... 590 Capital ... ... ... 8,000 Rent and Rates ... ... ... 475 Bank ... ... ... ... 500 Interest and Discount ... ... 340 Sundry creditors ... ... 3,660 Customs Duties ... ... ... 1,743 Sales of goods ... ... ... 14,700 Stock, 30th June, 1900 ... ... 1,300 Purchases ... ... 16,000 Cartage, &c. ... ... ... 112 Sundry debtors ... ... ... 5,800 W. Green's drawings ... ... 500 £26,860 £26,860 The stock on hand on 30th June, 1901, was valued at £4,400. Make out " Trading Account," " Profit and Loss," and " Balance-sheet." 11. The receipts and payments of the Aorangi Borough Council for the year ending 31st March, 1901, are as follows : Rates, 1899, £12 10s.; Rates, 1900, £2,747 (the outstanding rates being £84); Hotel Licenses, £80; Dog-collars, £147 ; Repairs to roads, £840 ; Ne%v channelling and footpaths, £1,300; Salaries and collecting, £380: all money has been paid into the bank. Make out the Council balance-sheet, showing the bank balance. 12. Freak Bros., London, consigned to A. Albert, Wellington, for sale and returns, 100 tons of salt, f.0.b., the pro forma invoice being for £500. The goods arrived in Wellington on the 4th August, 1901. Albert sold, to arrive, 50 tons, @£4 per ton, due 4th December. Sold on the 4th September, 20 tons, @ £3 18s. per ton for cash, and the balance @ £3 15s. per ton, due 4th November. On arrival he paid duty, £25; freight, &c, £40. Make out account sales, deducting 5 % commission,, and 2-J- % delcredere. Find the average due date. Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (4,075 copies), £33 Bs.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—loo 2. Price Is.]