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No. 70. Sib, — Premier's Office, Wellington, 29th January, 1902. I enclose herewith a warrant under the hand of His Excellency the Governor appointing you to be the Eesident Commissioner under " The Cook and Other Islands Government Act, 1901." You will perceive that the appointment takes effect from the 11th June, 1901. dB. I have, &c, Lieut.-Colonel Gudgeon, C.M.G., Eesident Commissioner, Barotonga. B. J. Seddon.

No. 71. Sir, — Premier's Office, Wellington, 29th January, 1902. I enclose appointments as Collector of Customs and Postmaster for Mr. Martin Nagle at Penrhyn and Mr. Maxwell at Niue. Also appointment for Mr. A. B. Miller as Collector of Customs at Barotonga. It is considered that, although these gentlemen have already been appointed by the Commissioner of Customs and Postmaster-General, they should receive warrants of appointment under the hand of His Excellency the Governor. I have, &c, B. J. Seddon. Lieut.-Colonel Gudgeon, C.M.G., Eesident Commissioner, Barotonga.

No. 72. Sib, — Premier's Office, Wellington, 29th January, 1902. Beferring to that portion of your letter of the 27th .September last (No. 38) relating to your visit to Palmerston Island, I have now to enclose a warrant of appointment as Eesident Agent for Mr. Joel Masters. I presume, although you do not say so, that he is to act without salary, and I beg, therefore, that when forwarding his appointment you will inform him in writing to that effect. I have, &c, Lieut.-Colonel Gudgeon, CM.G., Eesident Commissioner, Barotonga. B. J. Seddon.

No. 50..

No. 73. Sin, — Premier's Office, Wellington, 29th January, 1902. In reply to your letter (No. 24) of the 16th November last, I have the honour to inform you that the Government approves of the appointment of Mr. Adolf yon Nagel as Eesident Agent at Atiu, without salary, and enclosed you will find a warrant of appointment for that gentleman. Of course, you will make him understand that he is only to act under your instructions. I have, &c, Lieut.-Colonel Gudgeon, C.M.G., Eesident Commissioner, Barotonga. E. J. Seddon.

No. 74. Sib, — Premier's Office, Wellington, 29th January, 1902. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter (No. 36) of the 23rd November last, reporting the result of your inquiry into the complaint of Bob, ex-Judge at Penrhyn, of his removal from office. It does not seem that any further action is necessary in this case. I have, &c, Lieut.-Colonel Gudgeon, C.M.G., Eesident Commissioner, Barotonga. B. J. Seddon.

No. 61.

No. 75. Sib, — Premier's Office, Wellington, 29th January, 1902. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter (No. 27) of the 18th November last, reporting your visit to Penrhyn, which appears to be very satisfactory. I enclose a warrant of appointment for Captain Martin Nagle as Eesident Agent at Penrhyn, and approve of his salary being £150 per annum, as recommended. I have, &c, Lieut.-Colonel Gudgeon, C.M.G., Eesident Commissioner, Barotonga. B. J. Seddon.

No. 76. Sib, — Premier's Office, Wellington, 29th January, 1902. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter (No. 32) of the 22nd November last, reporting your visit to Suwarrow Island, which, however, does not seem to call for any remark from me. I have, &c, B. J. Seddon, Lieut.-Colonel Gudgeon, C.M.G., Eesident Commissioner, Barotonga.

No. 60.