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No. 64. Sib, — Barotonga, 7th December, 1901. I have the honour to inform you that I have received a very satisfactory letter from Mr. Nagle, at Penryhn, in which he informs me that the native authorities at Omoka have presented him, as representative of the Government, with a piece of land, and are building him a house 30 ft. by 28 ft. thereon. As to that gift, I will on my next visit cause it to be embodied in a local Ordinance, and will at the same time have the land surveyed. Captain Nagle reports that matters are being conducted in a very satisfactory manner, and that during the three weeks previous to the 15th November 6 tons of shell had been raised from the lagoon. It will be well, I think, to make Captain Nagle Eesident Magistrate on the island, to sit with the native Judges and assist them. He is a man of great tact, and would educate the Judges. He has already persuaded them to adopt the statute of Aitutaki. I have, &c, W. E. Gudgeon, Eesident Commissioner. The Bight Hon. B. J. Seddon, Premier of New Zealand.

No. 65. Sib, — Barotonga, 10th December, 1901. I have the honour to inform you that the Arikis met to-day, and, under section 7 of " The Cook and Other Islands Government Act, 1901," formed the Federal Council. The members of the Council are as follows :— Makea Ariki, Tinomana Ariki, and Pa Ariki .... ... Barotonga. Ngamaru Ariki and Karika Ariki ... ... ... Atiu, Mauke, Mitiaro. John Trego Ariki and Nohoroa Ariki ... ... ... Mangaia. Vairuarangi Ariki and Te Urukura Ariki ... ... Aitutaki. Papu Mahuta Ariki ... ... ... ... Penrhyn. lesi Ariki ... ... ... ... ... Bakahanga. Aporo Ariki ... ... ... ... ... Manihiki. Beyond suspending the Judge and Clerk of the Arorangi Court for six months by reason of the unsatisfactory administration of that Court, but little business was done. I have, however, the honour to forward an Ordinance extending the Traders' License Act to Penrhyn, and to suggest that it may be approved by His Excellency as soon as possible, so as to bring it into force. I have. &c, W. E. Gudgeon, The Eight Hon. the Premier, Wellington. Eesident Commissioner.

Enclosure. Cook Islands, Baeotonga.—Oedinance No. 1, 1901. " The Traders' License Act, 1898," and the regulations made thereunder, is hereby extended to and shall have force within the Island of Penrhyn as from the 31st day of December, 1901. Passed by the Federal Council on the 10th day of December, 1901. W. E. Gudgeon, Eesident Commissioner.

No. 66. Sib, — Barotonga, 19th December, 1901. I have the honour to forward enclosed two Ordinances—viz , No. 2, the Protection of Property; No. 3, Sale of Cocoanut Bestriction—and have the honour to request that His Excellency the Governor may be pleased to approve the same, since they are designed to put an end to the wholesale system of robbery which has heretofore been the disgrace of the Cook Islands. With an efficient Police Force such measures would not be required, but with men who have no higher conception of their duty than of hiding the offences of their own relatives Ordinances such as these are required. I have also the honour to inform you that the Federal Council adjourned on the 14th December, and does not propose to sit again until next April, when the representatives of Aitutaki will attend. I have, &c, W. E. Gudgeon, Eesident Commissioner. The Bight Hon. E. J. Seddon, Premier of New Zealand.

Enclosures. Cook Islands, Babotonga. —Oedinance No. 2. Whekeas many complaints have been received from persons of the native race and European residents in the district of Arorangi to the effect that their animals and crops have been maliciously destroyed or stolen : And whereas it would appear that the offenders are screened or defended by the people of their Tapere :