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to give the Government Resident Agent at least six hours' notice of their departure, stating the port for which they are bound, failing which their clearances will be withheld. 10 The masters of all vessels clearing at Alofi are required to take mails for the Postmaster of the port to which they are bound, and to deliver such mails to the proper authorities at such port, failing which their clearances will be withheld. 11 Be it further enacted by the Council of Niue : From and after a date to be published by the Government Eesident Agent there shall be imposed on all goods imported into the Island of Niue a Customs duty equal to 10 per cent, ad valorem on the declared value of the imports as shown by the vessel's manifest or other documents, excepting such articles as are free according to the New Zealand tariff. The same duty is hereby also imposed on all articles imported for sale by whomsoever imported, whether shown on the vessel's manifest or not. All such duties shall be payable to the Government Eesident Agent as Collector of Customs on behalf of the Council of Niue and thereupon shall become part of the revenue of Niue : Provided that in the event of any other Customs duties being imposed by the Governor of New Zealand under any authority m him vested on imports into Niue, then in that case the 10-per-cent. duty imposed as above shall be aopera ive. importec i or landed otherwise than after paying the duties imposed by law shall be confiscated and may be sold by the Government Eesident Agent as Collector of Customs, or by his appointee, and the proceeds thereof shall become a part of the revenue of Nma 13 Any person landing or importing goods except as in manner provided in the foregoing sections shall, in addition to the confiscation of the goods, be liable to a fine of not more than 14 Masters of vessels arriving at Niue, and traders doing business at Niue, are required, on demand to produce to the Government Eesident Agent all necessary documents bearing on the nature and value of imports arriving at Alofi or other places, and in default thereof shall be liable to a fine not exceeding £10. • - , . . 15 The Government Eesident Agent, or his appointee, shall at all times have the right of entry and search into any vessel or building, or boxes, packages, or luggage of any description, in which it is suspected there are dutiable goods which have not paid duty. ■ 16 Be it further enacted: From and after the passing of this Act it shall be illegal to import any spirituous liquor of any kind whatsoever for the purpose of sale, barter, or gift to any native of Niue or native of other islands of the Pacific located in Niue. Any person so doing, or allowing any native as above to obtain in any manner any such spirituous liquors, either on shore or on board vessels within three miles of the coast, shall, on conviction before the Government Eesident Agent in his judicial capacity, be liable to a fine of not more than £20 for each and every such offence ■ Provided that in case of medical necessity a limited quantity of spirituous liquor may be supplied to any native on the written order of the Government Eesident Agent. The foregoing " Bevenue of Niue Act, 1901," was passed by the Council of Niue, at Alofi, on the 23rd day of October, 1901. Tagavaitoa, Acting-President of Council.

Act No. 3. " The Native Magisteates and Police Act, 1901." Whebeas until the time shall arrive when all cases of breaches of the law can be dealt with by the European Magistrate it is necessary to provide Courts of justice within the Island of Niue for dealing with cases in which the natives of Niue or natives of other islands of the Pacific resident in Niue are concerned: , , , 1 Be it therefore enacted by the Council of Niue that all cases of breaches of the law shall be dealt with under this Act: Provided that in all cases where white people are concerned the native Magistrates hereafter mentioned shall have no jurisdiction, but such cases shall be dealt with by the Court, meaning thereby any Court of competent jurisdiction constituted under the laws of New Zealand and sitting in Niue. , . , 2 There shall be five native Magistrates for the Island of Niue, who shall exercise their functions within the following districts which are hereby constituted, namely :— 3. Alofi and Tamakautoga One Magistrate. Avatele and Fatiau One Magistrate. Hakupu and Liku One Magistrate. Tamalagau and Mutalau One Magistrate. Tamahatokula, Uhomotu, and Makefu One Magistrate. And it is further provided that each Magistrate as above shall be appointed alternately from each of the villages as above, and shall hold office for a term of six months alternately 4 Each native Magistrate shall be appointed by the Council with the approval of the Government Eesident Agent, one to each district, and he shall hold office until removed by the Council. Such native Magistrates shall take an oath to keep the laws of Niue and administer them impartially Each native Magistrate shall receive a salary of £6 per year, to be paid half-yearly out of the revenue of Niue through the Government Eesident Agent. ~...-. v , iV , 5 It shall be the duty of the native Magistrates to hear any complaints of the breaches of the law of Niue as enacted by the Council which are properly brought before them. They shall also have power to deal with the following offences :— Offences against the Person. 6 Any man committing adultery with a married woman shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding £5 and, in default of payment on the date fixed by the native Magistrate, may be sentenced to not more than three months' hard labour ; or the native Magistrate may sentence the