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From information taken from the Magistrates' orders for admission it is found that 101 children are to be brought up in the Church of England denomination, 56 as Roman Catholic, 24 as Presbyterian, 14 as Methodist, 1 as Baptist, and 1 as belonging to the Salvation Army.

TABLE U. —Admissions, classified according to Parents' Circumstances and Character, 1901.

At the end of 1901 there was in the Post-Office Savings-Bank on account of the earnings of inmates of Government industrial schools a sum of £11,508 19s. 3d., and on account of inmates of private industrial schools £1,901 9s. 4d. For inmates of Government schools a sum of £1,133 os. 9d. was withdrawn during the year, and for inmates of private schools £49 10s. 6d. In Table W is shown the cost of the Government schools, in which is included the expenditure for the maintenance of inmates boarded out and the salaries of the resident staffs and medical officers ; it also shows the cost of supervision of all inmates who are licensed to reside away from the schools; and, further, the amounts of the recoveries from Charitable Aid Boards, from persons against whom orders for maintenance have been made, and from the sale of farm produce, &c.

TABLE W. —Expenditure on Government Schools, 1901.


Precedent G inditioi ij ol Chi 1901. ildren .dmitted og S * .S3 |l 1 B a o o Bl B O <D £•§ p 3 3* Total. o Fathers, described as Mothers, described as Dead Good Unknown Dead Good Unknown Bad .. Deserter Dead Good Bad .. Dead Sick, lunatic, &c. Good Unkuown Bad .. Deserter Dead Good Bad .. Deserter Dead Good Bad .. 3 8 1 3 1 6 4 : 1 1 15 1 6 1 6 7 3 6 1 i 3 5 2 2 1 1 2 4 A i -2r> i "a 4 13 4 12 2 10 37 10 2 1 16 3 9 1 9 18 18 2 1 14 11 8 Bad".. '.'. 3 2 3 2 10 6 H ' • • • Deserter 2 1 13 6 i i 3 1 Totals .. 86 18 33 3 57 197

School. Gross Cost of School. Cost of boarding out. (Included in I preceding column.) I Salaries of School Staff. {Included in Recoveries. first column.) Net Cost. Auckland Horowhenua (proposed) Burnham Caversham .. Tβ Oranga Home Receiving Home, Wellington.. Reoeiving Home, Christchuroh £ s. d. 3,427 18 6 1,612 11 11 8,879 5 4 8,189 8 3 1,622 14 5 626 14 4 1,864 16 2 £ s. d. 705 16 10 1,461 11 9 3,045 8 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. 295 11 8 478 18 0 62 8 0 1,814 10 2 1,799 4 2 1,089 6 0 4,933 12 1 330 0 0 21 19 3 183 5 0 126 7 10 265 10 3 100 7 11 £ s. d. 2,949 0 6 1,612 11 11 7,080 1 2 3,255 16 2 1,600 15 2 500 6 6 1,764 8 3 129 6 8 949 2 0 Totals 20,223 8 11 6,291 5 8 4,040 11 1 i 7,460 9 3 18,762 19 8 Salaries and travelling-expenses Travelling-expenses of other offii Contingencies of Assistant In: oere .. ipeotor and visiting jfficers 1,278 7 9 90 8 6 64 16 3 Tot! %l 20,196 12 2