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Three class B heavy locomotives for goods traffic and six class Fβ tank engines are being built at Addington. Three class Wα locomotives for heavy mixed traffic are being built at Hillside. Three class Lα locomotives are being built at Petone to replace three old class L locomotives, two of which have already been sold. The following table gives particulars of repairs, &c, to locomotive boilers for the year:—

Seven new boilers are in hand. The following cars, brake-vans, wagons, and tarpaulins were completed and added to stock during the year, viz. : 101 bogie cars, twenty-seven bogie brake-vans, fifty-two bogie and 1,562 four-wheel wagons, and 810 tarpaulins. The seating-accommodation of carriages has been increased 1418 per cent. ; also the carryingcapacity of wagon stock has been increased 2452 per cent. Carriage repairs and rebuilding : 1,149 carriages passed through shops, sixty corridor cars were erected, and forty-one cars built. The following table gives particulars of repairs, &c, to carriages for the year : —

One hundred and two bogie cars have had cushions fitted to seats of second-class compartments : total number of cars so fitted to end of year, 305. The following new car-work is in hand : Building thirty-three Class A bogie cars, and converting twenty-three four- and six-wheel cars to double bogie, Class A. Brake-van repairs and rebuilding: 417 brake-vans passed through shops, twenty-seven new bogie vans were built. The following table gives particulars of repairs, &c, to brake-vans for the year:—

The conversion of six four-wheel vans to bogie vans is in hand. Wagon repairs and rebuilding: 9,261 wagons passed through shops, fifty-two bogie and 471 four-wheel wagons were built new, 900 four-wheel wagons.were erected ; 200 four-wheel wagons, built under contract —viz., 100 by Southland Implement Company and 100 by J. MacAlister and Co., Invercargill—were added to stock. The following table gives particulars of repairs, &c, to wagons for the year : —

Year ending 31st Marob, 1902. ■s| !i il Q a a ■3 I 1 I, W 3 i x> 3 & O t3 to 32 ... M ! in MS ! ■? « : is l M Si T3 .a o Is 1 Boilers 226 10 75 141 36 4 4 3 67

Particulars. Number. Class of Car. Number passed through shops Erected Built new Eebuilt or converted Thoroughly overhauled Heavy repairs ... Light repairs Wholly painted and varnished Touched up and revarnished Fitted with standard draw-gear 1,149 60 41 990 A, 55 B, 82 C, 22 D. 60 A (American corridor cars). 41 A. 50 208 790 290 397 85 42 A, 4 B, 3 C, 1 D. 183 A, 13 B, 6 C, 6 D. 664 A, 38 B, 73 C, 15 D. 261 A, 19 B, 9 C, 1 D. 369 A, 11 B, 14 C, 3 D. 83 A, 2 C.

Description. 1! II I 3 3 a '3 .a P5 if -β-g 5 I f I ! EH W ss a .5P '3 3 « 5 « 1 ?!I i I 50 irake-vans 417 27 10 71 309 93 123 36

Description. 1,3 S< If 2 e a '3 '3 P5 a a "5! U II g 1 > 2 5 a. « 3 1 a 1 2 o ja o O n) d fa SccQ agons ... 9,261 900 523 11 73 20 1,86: 5,86612,606 2,367 2,589