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is in good order. (23/12/1901) : Bords and working-places in good order. Air excellent. Eeportbook and plan to date. . , Saddle Hill No. 1, Saddle Hill (C. H. Westfield, manager).—(lB/9/1901): The dip is bemg extended to provide a few more bords. This mine continues to be well conducted; pillars square, every place being driven to lines. Air good. Eeport-book to date. Twenty sets of timber are being renewed in the main haulage plane ; being the upcast, the timber has perished rapidly. Saddle Hill No. 2 (G. H. Westfield).—(26/9/1901) :• The main south levels are still being extended. There is evidently many years' coal-supply in this property at present rate of output. A new upcast air-shaft has been sunk near the working-faces. Air good. An upthrow fault has been crossed, and the coal improves in quality. Burnweil Colliery, Saddle Hill (Adam Harris, owner and manager).—(lB/9/]901) : The old mine where the fire originated is closely bratticed off, and I could not detect any leakage of damp or fire-stink. The new mine to the south is being well opened up and good pillars left in. Air Glenochiel Colliery, Saddle Hill (D. Bryce, permit).—(2o/6/1901) : The old mine is abandoned, and coal is now being got from a new mine-entrance to the south of the old workings. I instructed Mr. Bryce to have the old mine-entrance fenced, and also to keep the top of the upcast shaft protected. The deep plumps on the surface near the seat of the fire have been filled up. (23/12/1901) : The old workings are completely blocked off. Good air in the new mine. Mosgiel Colliery, Saddle Hill (James Sneddon, manager).—(22/3/1901) : New dip heading is now 12 chains down. Goal changing to soft ; indications not good. The character of the alteration being gradual may be expected to be somewhat extensive. There is an area of good coal unworked to the north side of the dip. (20/6/1901) : Dip-face 14 chains from mine-mouth. The seam has altered in character from strong hard coal to tender coal jointed and intersected with slippy clay backs lying at all angles. All bords have been drawn in to Bft. in width, and timber is freely used. Eeport-book and plan to date. Thomas G. Spain was injured on the 15th instant. A piece of coal about half a ton in weight came away unexpectedly from an unseen " lipe " or clay joint in the roof at the face, causing injury to spine. (23/12/1901) : The dip workings are now cut off. Owing to soft bottom the pillars sank, and the area is abandoned meanwhile. A new crosscut dip being driven will enable the pillars to be won when roof and floor meet, which, from appearances, will not be long. Coal is now being won from north-side pillars. In this area, unlike the Dip section, the roof and floor are hard, and places stand well. A fire in the dip is giving trouble. I recommended Mr. Sneddon to draw ash stoppings across the bord-ends and isolate the fire, a large supply of suitable ashes being obtainable from the waste-heap at the pit-bank. Biccarton Coal Company, East Taieri (Alexander Love, permit).—(2o/6/1901) : This new mine is the most southerly one of the Saddle Hill group. A well-timbered level drive into the hill struck the coal-seam at 15 yards, and is continued in coal for 100 yards to the face, where the seam is now dipping in an easterly direction. An 8-horse-power portable engine on the brow is used for hauling empty trucks up the hill and lowering full ones. The tram-line (single) from, the mine to the main south road is 60 chains in length. Substantial shoots have been erected at the roadside. The owners propose to bring a branch railway-line from Mosgiel Station to the shoots, a distance 'of about two miles. Lauriston Colliery, Brighton (J. E. Walker, owner).—(l 3/5/1901):_ Mine in good order. Due care taken in supporting roof, which is liable to fall away from the parting. McGoll's Pit, Brighton (D. L. McGoll, owner).—(l 3/5/1901) : Apparently not much doing. Connection not yet made to shaft for upcast airway and second outlet. Bruce Mine, Milton (A. Young, owner).—(2o/12/1901) : Two men at work. Places driven high and wide, but coal strong. No falls anywhere. Ventilation good. Strip-and-at-it Mine, Milton (N. Hardwick, owner).—(2o/12/1901) : After cessation from work for some time this mine is being put in working-order again. The mine-mouth has been retimbered and bank well battered. One man is getting coal in a 3 ft. seam. The fault-line has been driven through, and the coal-seam found again. A small shaft provides upcast for return air, while a drive is to be pushed on 1$ chains for second mine-outlet. Fortification Railway and Goal Company, Milton (J. Shore, manager).—(l 2/7/1901) : This seam is being worked by means of two dip drives. Old mine-workings : The main dip is driven 10 chains. All the old workings have been closed off, and work up to the present has been confined to narrow working and breaking off. I traversed the air-courses and found a good current passing round. The ah>shaft was in good order and provided with ladders. The main drive is being increased in height and retimbered. New mine-workings : The new dip is driven about 7 chains, and the opening-out work consists of tfwo levels, two bords, and two headings. The air-course is in good order, and the shaft provided with ladders. Twenty men employed. Eules posted, and report-book to date. (20/12/1901) :A. Harris in temporary charge. Ventilation fair. Traversed all workingplaces and airways; found all clear and in good order. Mine-entrance to No. 1 dip should be heightened and better timbered. This work was begun, but is incomplete. Bottom heaving in some of the travelling-ways. A good supply of timber is kept on hand. A prospecting-shaft has just been put down on the Coomb Hay Estate portion of this property. Depth 61 ft. 6 in., bottoming on running sand. In all, seven seams were passed through, ranging from 6 in. to 23 in. in thickness. Eeport-books to date. Glenledi Pit, Milton (N. MeGilp, owner).—(2o/12/1901): No one about the mine onjhis visit. Mine clean. Air good. Eoof not very strong, and timber used in places where necessary. Reid's Akatore Pit, Milton (James Eeid, owner).—(2o/12/1901) : Mr. A. Young had this area leased from Eeid, but has since thrown it up. No one at work now. Adam's Flat Mine, Adam's Flat (J. Eeid, owner).—(2l/12/1901): Coal is principally taken from here in the threshing season. 6 ft. of coal in sight in the face. Pit worked opencast. Stripping about 8 ft, Face at present fallen in and in a neglected state.