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List of Letters and Telegrams— continued. From Presbyterian Church of Otago and Southland. From Christian Endeavour Union, Auckland. From Maoris of Colac Bay, Southland. From Westport Chamber of Commerce. From Canterbury College, Christchurch. From Auckland Trades and Labour Council. From Wellington College and Girls' High School, Wellington. From Manawatu County Council, Sanson. From Heuheu Tukino, Taupo. From Members of the Mothers' Union, Auckland. From Hawke's Bay Highland Society, Napier. From Yorkshire Society of New Zealand, Wellington. From General Synod of the Church of the Province of New Zealand, Napier. From Law Society of the District of Auckland. From Hibernian-Australasian Catholic Benefit Society, Auckland. From Mayor of Auckland. From Auckland Chamber of Commerce, Auckland. From Thames Borough Council, Thames. From St. John's Ambulance Association, Wellington Centre. From Canterbury Acclimatisation Society, Christchurch. From Wellington District Ancient Order of Foresters' Friendly Society. From Mayor and Councillors of the Borough of North-East Valley. From Southern Cross Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Wellington. From Maori Tribes of Hauraki.

No. 7. (No. 13.) Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 4th February, 1901. I have the honour to inform you that on the 28th January a Proclamation, of which copies are enclosed, was publicly read by my Acting Premier, the Honourable J. G. Ward, in my presence, from the steps of the Houses of Parliament, with full military honours. After the reading of the Proclamation a Eoyal salute was fired. There was a very large attendance of the public. I have, <&c, The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

Enclosure. Proclamation. Whereas it has pleased Almighty God to call to His mercy our late Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria of blessed and glorious memory, by whose decease the Imperial Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and all other Her late Majesty's dominions, is solely and rightfully come to the High and Mighty Prince Edward : Now, therefore, We, Uchter John Mark, Earl of Ranfurly, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, Richard John Seddon, a member of Her late Majesty's Privy Council, Joseph George Ward, Acting-Premier of the said colony, and the members of the Executive Council of the said colony, assisted by members of both Houses of the General Assembly, Judges, Magistrates, and officers of Courts, ministers of religion, Mayors, Chairmen and members of local bodies, and numerous other representative European and Maori citizens here present, do now hereby, with one voice and consent of tongue and heart, publish and proclaim that the High and Mighty Prince Albert Edward is now, by the death of our late Sovereign of happy and glorious memory, become our only lawful and rightful Liege Lord Edward the Seventh, by the Grace of God, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India, Supreme Lord in and over the Colony of New Zealand and its dependencies, to whom we do acknowledge all faith and constant obedience with all hearty and humble affection, beseeching God, by whom kings and queens do reign, to bless the Royal Prince Edward the Seventh with long and happy years to reign over us. Given at Wellington, in the Colony of New Zealand, this twenty-eighth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one. Ranfurly. R. J. Seddon. J. G. Ward. W. C. Walker. Wm. Hall-Jones. ■ C. H. Mills. X)udley Alexander, Captain. ' • God save the King!