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No. 701.—Petition of John Knight, of Christchuroh. Petitioner prays for compensation for alleged unlawful committal to, and detention in, a lunatic asylum. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 7th November, 1901.

No. 1. —Petition of B. Johnstone and 154 Others, of Port Chalmers, and 61 Similar Petitions. Petitionees pray that by a plebiscite taken in every electoral district the minds of the electors be ascertained on the question of the institution of Bible-reading in public schools. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of these petitions involves a question of public policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 7th November, 1901.

No. 484.—Petition of Thomas Gaelick, of Paeroa. Petitionee prays for compensation for injuries sustained by him in the course of employment under the Public Works Department at Karangahake Tunnel. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 7th November, 1901.

No. 460.—Petition of "W. Huntee, of Wellington. Petitionee prays that he be granted compensation for military services. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 7th November, 1901.

No. 1272. —Petition of J. Haee, Jun., and Others, of Whangaroa. Petitionees pray that a sum of £50 be granted by the Government towards a subsidy for the purpose of securing the residence of a medical practitioner in Whangaroa County. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 7th November, 1901.

No. 316.—Petition of W. B. Bdwaeds, of Wellington. Petitionee prays that he be granted compensation for loss of office as Commissioner under "The Native Land Court Acts Amendment Act, 1889." I am directed to report that this Committee recommends the Government to settle the petitioner's claim according to the equity of the case. 7th November, 1901.

No. 701. —Petition of W. Cleaey, of Whangarei. Petitionee prays for an inquiry into the circumstances under which a quantity of kauri-gum lying in his store was seized by order of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland, and for redress. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the Government to give effect to the prayer of the petition. 7th November, 1901.

No. 10. —Petition of B. Hodge and 4 Others, of St. Clair, and 301 similar Petitions. Petitionees pray that certain proposals in respect of the licensing question be not adopted by the House. lam f , to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 7th November, 1901.

Final Eepoet. I am directed to report that, the Committee has had 435 petitions referred to it, has held 21 meetings to consider the same, and has brought up 435 reports thereon, viz. : —■ Specific recommendations ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 For favourable consideration of Government ... ... ... ... 15 For consideration of Government ... ... ... ... ... 73 No claim or no recommendation ... ... ... ... ... 327 Eeferred to other Committees ... ... ... ... ... 9 435 7th November, 1901. W. Symes, Chairman.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (1,200 copies), £5 Bs.

.By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9ol.

Price 6d.]