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CANTERBURY-KAIKOURA DISTRICT. RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 30th April, 1900, and 30th April, 1901.


No. of Sheep on April 30, 1900. April 30, 1901. Murray, C. P., Wharehui, Kekerangu Neville, S., Mount Gladstone, Awatere O'Donahogue, J., Blind Rirer O'Dwyer, I?., Blind River, Awatere O'Dwyer, William, Starborough O'Leary and Co., Seddon Orchard, B., Starborough Plimmer, G. C., Blind River Plimmer, G. C, Richmond Brook Reed, J. H., Starborough . Renwick, Mrs. A., Dumgree, Awatere Richmond, F. H., Richmond Br'k, Awatere Roberts, R. M., Blind River Roberts, T., Starborough Rutland, T., Seddon Ryan, R. Schwais Brothers, Starborough Shirtliff Brothers, Muller Run, Awatere Shirtliff, G.. Richmond Brook Shirtliff, J. W., Muller Run Smith, Mrs. H., Seddon Smith, W. S., Seddon Sutherland, W. A. D., Blind River Thomas, A. R., Lookout Hills, Kekerangu ... Tregoning, R., Seddon Trueman, R. C, Blind River, Awatere Trust and Loan Company, Middlehurst Walker and Thompson, Awatere Ward, F. P. J., Bertegell, Blenheim Wheeler, Mrs. H., Blind River, Awatere White, Thomas, Hilton Farm, Seddon Woodward, S. G-., Seddon Worthington, C. W., Blind River Wright, G., Starborough 4720 780 60 407 59° 2500 173 9900 11458 .627 .98 962 5442 2675 4447 899 85 4OO 778 910 997 Nil 100 12400 i"934 3°5 75 6 181 394 1395 Nil 45° 628 455 6n8 295 440 220 2095 700 575 4901 8070 Nil 400 3391 1128 '4 392 3° 976 495 499 700 Total Awatere Subdivision Tn Blenheim Subdivision In Kaikoura Subdivision 496 183,690 264.505 44.54° 202,755 27 2 .332 39.935 Total in County 49 2 .735 5'5.°22

No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1900. 1901. )alziel, J. Seddon )ick, J., Richmond Brook Dollar, J., Seddon )ow, David, Cape Campbell Douds, J., Starborough ?issenden, Philip, Blind River Fleming, Alexander, Breezemere, Seddon ... Fleming, D. F., Starborough ?oster, F. M., starborough Francis, T., Richmond Brook 3-oulter, Charles, Blairich, Blenheim 3-rey, C, Richmond Brook, Awatere ireen Bros., Upcot 3-reen, J. B., TJpeot, Blenheim 3-unn, G. M., Uggbrook, Awatere 3-unn, G-. M., Starborough. lardin, Q-. M., Awatere leard, Gγ. T., Starborough Jiggens, J., Starborough logan, J. P., Seddon lounsell, William, Seddon fermyn, James, Richmond Brook r ohneon, J., Seddon jane, Greorge, Starborough jeslie, John, Starborough jiesaman Bros., Seddon jissameer, H. G-., Starborough jyons, P., Starborough itareh, Mrs. M., Awatere ilacPhilips, Mrs. B., Blind River ilaher, J., Starborough ilarsh, J., Richmond Brook deehan, Pat, Wybroke, Blenheim itelhuish, William, Starborough tfcQ-rath, D., Starborough iIoKenzie, John, Starborough, Awatere iIcRae, A. C, Aotea, Awatere ilorrin, Donald, Seddon klorrin, Thomas, Richmond Brook ilorrow, Robert, Blind River itowat, K. P., Awatere 400 427 500 40 492 490 2294 1297 695 6370 393 9000 534 885 99 384 683 395 5° 498 556 732 46 ■660 776 1291 1295 1249 941 7492 448 9000 Nil Nil 1003 4' 490 1007 399 79 494 617 Nil 1462 491 [500 961 2018 300 70 798 250 2190 900 100 2473 Nil 380 800 40 891 Nil 169 2497 990 100 2867 400 536 Nil 3120 300 466 244 12C4 ■455

No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1900. 1901. Bullen, P. and G. P., The Elms, Kaikoura ... Bullen, P. and Gc. P., Tullooh Mains, Kaikoura Bullen, P. and W., Gooche's Pfc., Kaikoura Burns, Michael, OlaTerley Campbell, Malcolm, Kaikoura Carter and Bell, Waipapa, Kaikoura Chapman, &., Kaikoura Chisnall, H., Kaikoura Collins, Arthur, Mount Fyffe, Kaikoura Cooper, James, Claverley, Waiau Curtain, J., Kaikoura Davidson, J., GHen Kohai, Kaikoura Davidson, J., Kaikoura Davidson, B., Kaikoura Dee, M., Kaikoura Baton, &., Kaikoura Evans, Charles, Kaikoura Fleming, R., Spay, Kaikoura Gallagher, James, Kaikoura Grarrett, Joseph, Goose Bay, Kaikoura George, John, Waipapa, Kaikoura Gibson, Frederick, Kaikoura Gibson, H., Kincaid, Kaikoura Gilbert, J., Claverley, Waiau Goulter, Misses, Goose Bay, Kaikoura Gray, James, Kaikoura Hailes, E. M., Kaikoura Hailes, J. M., Pine Terrace, Kaikoura Hailes, Richard, Kohai, Kaikoura Harris, H., Kaikoura Howard, Allen, Kaikoura 7899 1950 1529 1800 362 15026 9V 500 408 2194 583 451 498 489 248 244 1780 8066 2199 1311 2115 270 720 64 396 293 2263 578 929 162 580 260 342 1894 825 179 2012 1640 303 60 719 2529 64 495 315 60 509 170 382 1602 203 910 2600 81 494 318 483

No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1900. 1901. MARLBOROU&H COUNTY (In Kaikoura Subdivision). Murray, John, Woodbank, Kaikoura 'arsons, Gr. Estcourt, Parikawa, Kaikoura ... lutherford, B. S., Kekeiangu, Kaikoura ?rolove, J. W., The Shades, Kaikoura 7073 2100 31637 3730 7138 2600 25920 4277 44,540 39,935 KAIKOURA COUNTY (In Kaikoura Subdivision). Ldair, Thomas, Kaikoura Jailey Brothers, Hundalee, Kaikoura 5ank of N.Z., Warden and Tytler, Kaikoura Jai-ratt, H. J., Kaikoura Barrett, ¥. E., Kaikoura Season, J., Claverley, Waiau Soyd, D., Kaikoura Soyd, D., jun., Kaikoura Joyd, Guy, Kaikoura 3oyd, James, Kahautcra, Kaikoura Joyd, Thomas, Kaikoura Jritton, P., Spay, Waiau Jroughan, W., Kaikoura Jrunel, C, Mount FyfFe, Kaikoura Sullen, P. and Q-. S , ., Q-reenhills, Kaikoura ... 2206 800 12220 490 1421 300 292 92 195 710 300 2150 1000 18610 429 Nil 660 283 71 185 786 356 306 200 116 25896 152 90 27155