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ASHBUBTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1900 ... .. ... 9 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 194 Total under treatment ... ... ... 203 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 178 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 Bemaining on 31st March, 1901 ... ... 10 Sex. —l 66 males, 37 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Alford Forest, 5 ; Ashburton, 95 ; Christchurch, 4; Fairfield, 7; Hinds, 6; Longbeach, 15; Mayfield, 3; Methven, 6; Mount Somers, 7; Bakaia, 22 : Timaru, 2 ; Westerfield, 7 ; Willowby, 15. Nationality. — English, 50; Scotch, 25; Irish, 46; Colonial, 70; Indian, 1; Swede, 1; Dane, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 77 ; Presbyterian, 57; Boman Catholic, 40 ; Wesleyan, 13; Salvation Army, 2 ; Baptist, 2 ; Quaker, 1 ; Lutheran, 1; Hindoo, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 4,657; individual average days' stay, 22-94. Daily average cost per head, 7s. ; less patients' payments, 6s. lfd. Outdoor Patients. —None. Beceipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. i Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 770 0 0 J Bations and light ... ... 387 7 2 Local bodies ... ... ... 700 0 0; Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 23 19 9 Patients' payments ... . 203 1 01 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 107 1 8 Other sources ... ... ... 18 6 5 Fuel ... ... ... ... 85 11 3 Balance from last year ... ... 99 10 1 Bedding and clothing ... ... 1470 Furniture and earthenware 29 2 4 Washing and laundry ... ... 383 Salaries and wages ... ... 608 0 5 Water-supply ... ... ... 82 8 0 Funerals ... ..'. ... 13 17 6 Bepairs ... ... ... 45 4 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 62 8 0 Insurance ... ... ... 16 9 0 Other expenses... ... ... 153 1 1 Total ... £1,790 17 6 Total .. £1,632 5 11 Visited 3rd December and 13th May.—Eleven male and one female patient. Miss Mac Andrew has made some much-needed sanitary improvements here, but much remains to be done.

AUCKLAND HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1900 ... ... ... 167 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 1,494 Total under treatment ... ... ... 1,661 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,358 Died... ... ... ... . . ... ... 145 Bemaining on 31st March, 1901 ... ... 158 Sex. —1,094 males, 567 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Auckland City and suburbs, 1,038; Auckland District, 408 ; Auckland North, 87 ; Auckland South, 81; shipping, 47. Nationality.— English, 372; Scotch, 86; Irish, 200; New Zealand, 802; Australian, 75; American, 23; French, 6 ; German, 8; Austrian, 14 ; Danish, 9; Indian, 9; Chinese, 1; Greek, 1; Swedish and Norwegian, 19 ; Portuguese, 2 ; Bussian, 9 ; South Sea Islanders, 5 ; East Indian, 6 ; Syrian, 3 ; Spanish, 2 ; Canadian, 5 ; African, 2; Italian, 2. Religion. —Church of England, 829 ; Boman Catholic, 357 ; Presbyterian, 212 ; Wesleyan, 106 ; Primitive Methodist, 22; Church of Christ, 10; Hebrew, 4 ; Greek, 2; Salvation Army, 27 ; Baptist, 43; Congregational, 11; Freethought, 3; Mission, 7; Latimer, 8; Plymouth Brethren, 9; Agnostic, 1; Hindoo, 1; Unitarian, 1; Nil, 8. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 50,771; individual average days' stay, 30-56. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 5-|d.; less patients' payments, 3s. 2d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 359 ; attendances, 3,084.