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7. Did you supply what was required according to that scale for the camp at Newtown Park? --No. 8. Why not?— Because the contractor did not ask for them. I have his requisitions here. 9. Did you supply him with what he asked for ?—Yes. 10. Was any further application made to you for cooking utensils, or any other camp material, after the camp commenced ?—Yes. The second day, or first day in camp, Colonel Sommerville rang me up on the telephone, and said he had not sufficient camp kettles and dishes in camp. 1 told him that I was dealing with the contractor, and had issued the supply applied for by him. Colonel Sommerville's reply was that he had not enough, and could not get them from the contractor. Then I replied that " I guarantee that you shall have them within half an hour." 11. When was that? —About the second day they were in camp. 12. Then, you supplied them with all they wanted? —Yes. 13. Was any requisition made to you at any time during the camp that was not complied with ! —No 14. Were you at the camp at all ?—After the men went to Christchurch, Colonel Messenger and I went up to it. 15. Do you know what the arrangements for cooking were ?—No. 16. Is there anything you wish to tell us that we have not asked you about ?—No. William Rankin examined. (No. 18.) 17. The Chairman,] You are a sergeant in the Manawatu Mounted Rifles? —I was formerly sergeant. , ', 18. You are now ?—I have not been discharged formally, but my discharge was accepted by my commanding officer. 19. Who is your captain ? —Captain Dunk. 20. You have not yet received your discharge from the Defence Office ?—No. 21. You came down with your corps to the camp at Newtown Park ?—I was not at Newtown Park. I came into Wellington. 22. With what corps ?—The Palmerston North Rifles. 23. In what capacity did you come with them ?—As orderly. 24. To whom?— Major Hall. 25. He belongs to the 2nd West Coast Infantry?— Yes. 26. You were not at Newtown Park at all, then ?—No ; I was quartered at the Mount Cook Girls' School. 27. Were you not up at Newtown Park at all? —I was up there once. 28. When was that ?—I think, on the Sunday. 29. You did not mess there ? —No. '30. You were in uniform ?—Yes. _ 31. What uniform had you?— The ordinary uniform of the Manawatu Mounted Kitles. 32. It was your own ?—lt was my own. 33. No one had lent it to you?— No. _ _ 34 Are you prepared to tell us anything about the procession on the afternoon of Wednesday?— Yes lam prepared. I think it was at the Bank of New Zealand when I first saw it. I heard some noise, and saw the procession was coming up behind me. I turned round, and saw a crowd coming along. .-,•,■. j mv 35 What sort of a crowd was it you saw ?—lt was apparently a mixed military crowd. Ihere were Volunteers of all ranks there. There were a few Volunteers walking along at the side of the °36 Had the procession anything with them?— They had a board and a pole, with some meat evidently on one side, and a bottle of what looked like tea, or brown stuff of some sort, on the oth.6r 37. Which direction did they come from ?—I think they came down Willis Street. It was near the Neiu Zealand Times office when I saw it. _ 38. Which way were you going when you saw it ?—I was going along with a civilian and a trooper at the time. . . , 39. What direction were you going in when you saw it?—l was coming down. 1 was about a dozen yards from it. - - • ' 40 Did it catch up to you ?—We waited to see what it was. When it came along, and we were almost level with it, I walked up to a young fellow and asked him what was the matter. 41 Who was the young fellow ?—I did not know him. There were two walking along together. 42. Was this man you asked taking part in the procession ?—The two of them were walking with the procession. , . . , 43 What happened then ?—I asked what was up, and he said, " You can soon see ; look at the brand " He said they had made complaints to the orderly sergeant, and they had reported that the meat was not fit to eat. He said, " You can see what it is like," pointing it out. 44. Did you see the meat ?—Yes. 45. What was it ?—I do not know whether it was beef or mutton ; but it was raw meat. 46! It was not cooked ?—Well, it looked half-raw. 47 What did you do then ?—Then my friend and I and another trooper walked along as lar as the City Buffet and gradually the procession moved away. I inquired from this young fellow where they were going, and he said, " I believe the show is going up to Government House. I said, " You are making fools of yourselves," or something like that. Then my friend and 1 walked to the City Buffet, and the procession left. 48 Who is your friend?— Jack Smith. 6—H. "19a.