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Invention, and Name of Inventor No. Date. Root cutter or slicer. J. Dunn Hope. (See Hauling-rope.) Eope-clip. G. G. MoAlpine Rope coupling or grip. W. G. Mouat and R. Wales .. .. .. . ■ ■ Rotary disc ridger. J. Macalister Rotary engine. H. A. Buck .. , Rotary engine. T. B. Dineen .. Rotary engine. N. R. Gordon .. Rotary engine. G. H. Taylor Rotary engine. W. O. Taylor .. .. .. .. ■ .. Rotary engine. E. Waters, jun. Rubber-like substance, Manufacturing. W. E. Hughes Rug. G. Schiitze Ruling-maohine. W. G. Tilley .. .. .. .. Rust, Prevention of. T. Hood and F. Treweek Saddle. J. J. Harris and E. Toft Saddle. A. G. Thompson Saddle. P. Woods Saddle, Convertible. P. Woods Saddle-cover. G. B. M. Branson Saddle-pad. A. R. Donisthorpe Salt, Method of keeping, in a powdered state. T. Vivian Salt-sprinkler. J. Anderson Sand-extraction. (See Magnetic sand.) Sand, Separating gold from. W. E. Spencer Sand, Separating gold from black. G. J. A. Richardson Sand-soap powder. H. A, Pyke Sanitary receptacle. F. and G. N. Lucas Sash. (See Window-sash.) Sash-and-frame combination. H. Mayr Sash-fastener. J. L. Kirkbride Sash-fastener. J. D. Tripe Sash-fastener. (See also Window-fastener.) Sashes, Hanging. W. Fairhead Saucer. G. F. Townshend Saving gold. (See Gold.) Saw-andbench combination. C. Y. Dally Sawingmaehine. D. W. Mackay Sawing. (See also Stone-sawing.) Scalper, grader, and dresser. G. T. Smith and W. Gardner Scoop. W. Horman Scoop. (See also Cesspit-scoop, Dredge-scoop, Earth-sooop, Stack-scoop.) Scraping flax. (See Flax.) Screen. (See Dredge-screen, Gold-dredging screen, and Gold-saving screen.) Screw, Preventing "racing" of steamer's. J. Hutchinson .. Screw-threaded wire, Machine for forming. United Shoe Machinery Company Scutcher. (See Flax-soutcher.) Soutcbing-bar. J. East Sea, Distributing oil at. F. M. Norris Sea, Obtaining power from. O. and J. Parmenter.. Sealing-buokle for mail-bag. A. F. Thompson .. .. .. • • ... Sealing perishable substanoes. F. W. Quaife Seat. J. J. Harris and E. Toft Seat-adjuster for trap. H. R. Sloan .. .. ... Seat adjuster, Vehicle-. E. R. Atkin Seed- and manure-sower. W. A. Land Seed-cleaner. R.A.Wilson Seed dresser, Grass-. W. T. and W. J. Nuttall and H. P. Meyer Seed-feeder. C. Bristow Seed-sower. O. Bristow Seed-sower. W. E. Chamberlain Seed-sower, Drill-attachment to. H. J. Alley Semaphore. E. Waters, jun. Semaphore. H. R. Walker SeparatiDg gold from sand. W. E. Spenoer Separating gold from black sand. G. J. A. Richardson Separating ores. T. R. Jordan .. .. .. .. Separating paramagnetic materials. E. Gates Separating pulverised substances. E. Gates .. .. .. ... Separating pulverised substances. E. Gates .. .. • • * • Separating pulverised substances. E. Gates Separator. (See Centrifugal separator, Electro-magnetic separator, Gold-separator, Siltseparator.) Servittte-fastener. A. H. Brownley .. .. .. Sewage-discharge valve. W. Parker Sewage-treating apparatus. W.Parker Sewage-treating apparatus. W.Parker Sewing-machine. (See Boot- and shoe-sewing machine.) Shade adjuster, Window-. H. House Shade. (See also Candle-shade.) Shaft for dredge-tumbler. P. Ellis Shaft-tug. J. Henderson Shafts or cylinders, Sinking prospecting. A. and R. M. Aitken Sharpener, Sheep-shears. A. D. Graham Shawer. (See Turnip-shawer.) Shearing-machine. W. H. Eyres Shears. (See Sheep-shears, Sheet-metal shears.) 13043 7 Oct. 13149 13215 12299 12468 12618 12716 12371 12948 12478 12348 12945 13109 12363 12279 13081 12637 12981 12676 13259 12403 13214 8 Nov. 4 Dec. 6 Jan. 19 March 11 May. 22 June. 8 Feb. 4 Sept. 21 March 31 Jan. 3 Sept. 25 Oct. 3 Feb. 4 Jan. 16 Oct. 23 May. 13 Sept. 12 June. 20 Dec. 20 Feb. 1 Dec. 13237 12572 12853 12987 8 Deo. 30 April. 8 Aug. 13 Sept. 13084 12693 12764 20 Oct. 19 June. 2 July. 12458 12530 14 Maroh, 9 April. 12850 12518 27 Aug. 10 April. 12493 12319 30 March, 15 Jan. 12570 12947 26 April. 4 Sept. 12662 13279 13155 13073 12980 12279 13135 12682 12822 12332 12797 12309 12703 13129 12386 13182 12862 13237 12572 13193 13277 12897 12898 12899 31 May. 28 Dec. 12 Nov. 17 Oct. 13 Sept. 4 Jan. 5 Nov. 11 Juue. 28 July. 23 Jan. 19 July. 16 Jan. 18 June. 2 Nov. 13 Feb. 23 Nov. 11 Aug. 8 Deo. 30 April. 28 Nov. 28 Dec. 22 Aug. 22 Aug. 22 Aug. 12481 12626 12624 12625 6 April. 18 May. 18 May. 18 May. 12312 15 Jan. 12851 13272 13040 12466 8 Aug. 27 Deo. 1 Oct. 16 Maroh 13198 28 Nov.