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The same delay by misconnection at Chicago has again occurred, the Union Pacific, 1 presume, being late for the Council Bluffs connection ; hence our mails again have missed the International Navigation Company's boat on the Wednesday morning, and gone vid Ireland by the " Majestic." Her arrival at Queenstown is not yet announced. In this connection I enclose the railroad mail-service reports [not printed] on the two last cases of delay, which throws it on the Union Pacific between Ogden and Council Bluffs, as I have always suspected. Mr. Spreckels is still in the East, so I cannot learn anything about the revision of the timetable as an assured fact, but they have promised me a copy as soon as they get anything. Since writing the above the enclosed time-table has been sent me by Messrs. Spreckels. It does not appear to be any different to the old one. The same peculiarity exists as regards the time consumed in the outward voyage as contrasted with the homeward, the difference being some three days. I asked the manager how this was, but he did not appear able to explain it. I have, &c, The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. H. Stephenson Smith.

No. 108. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Washington, to the Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. (Telegram.) Washington, Ist November, 1900. Spreckels not authorised to arrange mail conveyance from San Francisco. British closed mails will be despatched hereafter under Postal Union conditions. [See No. 31, Enclosure 3in No. 95, and No. 98.]

No. 109. The Agent-General to the Hon. the Premier. Westminster Chambers, 13, Victoria Street, London, S.W., Sir,— Bth November, 1900. Referring to your cablegram of the 26th ultimo, and to my letter of the same date, relating to the new three-weekly San Francisco mail-service, 1 beg to enclose herewith copy of further correspondence with the Imperial Post Office, from which it will be seen that arrangements have been made to despatch' mails from this country for New Zealand vid San Francisco on the 10th instant, and every third Saturday thereafter. [See No. 110.] A copy of the revised printed notice, issued by the General Post Office, giving, for the information of the public, particulars of the dates of despatch of mails to the colony during the remainder of the present year, is also enclosed. I have, &c, The Hon. the Premier, Wellington. W. P. Reeves.

Enclosure 1 in Mo. 109. The Secretary to the Agent-General to the Secretary, General Post Office, London. Sir,— 13, Victoria Street, S.W., 26th October, 1900. I am directed by the Agent-General to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your letter of the 25th instant [enclosure in No. 100], intimating that the Postmaster-General has decided to despatch mails for New Zealand from this country vid San Francisco every three weeks in connection with the new mail-service between that port and New Zealand. I am further directed to inform you that the Agent-General has this day received a cablegram from his Government, stating that, commencing with the 21st November, the mail-steamers of the new service will leave San Francisco every three weeks, and instructing him to inquire when the Imperial Government propose to despatch the mails from this side. The cablegram also states that the first mail-steamer of the new service will leave Auckland on the Bth December, and that there will be no outward mail-steamer leaving during November. I am, &c, The Secretary, General Post Office. Walter Kennaway.

Enclosure 2 in No. 109. The Secretary, General Post Office, London, to the Agent-General. Sir, — General Post Office, 2nd November, 1900. In reply to your letter of the 26th ultimo, I am directed by the Postmaster-General to inform you that arrangements have been made to despatch correspondence from this country for New Zealand vid. San Francisco on the 10th instant, and every third Saturday thereafter. I am, &c, The Agent-General for New Zealand, London. H. Buxton Forman.

Enclosure 3 in No. 109. The Secretary to the Agent-General to the Secretary, General Post Office, London. Sir,— 13, Victoria Street, S.W., sth November, 1900. I am directed by the Agent-General to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2nd instant, stating that arrangements have been made to despatch correspondence from this