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No. 32. The President, Oceanic Steamship Company, San Francisco, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Dear Sir, — San Francisco, 19th November, 1900. We are in receipt of your communication of the 27th ultimo, notifying us of the authorisation of your Parliament to enter into an agreement with this company for one year for the carriage of your mails. While we shall be pleased to carry your mails on the poundage basis suggested by you, we are not inclined at present to enter into a contract to do so. We have been much disappointed in the delivery of our new steamships, which has caused frequent changes in our plans, and until we get them running regularly on the route, which we expect will be very soon now, we do not wish to be bound to a contract. Furthermore, a few trips of the new steamers will give us the experience necessary to formulate a schedule, which we hope will be mutually satisfactory ; hence we desire to postpone entering into a contract until your colony and ourselves can have learned by actual experience what we can do, and what you would desire us to do. We are naturally desirous of meeting your wishes as far as we consistently can do so, and will take up the question again, either by correspondence or personal visit, just as soon as ail the vessels of our new fleet are at work, meanwhile carrying the mails on basis of payment for weight, as stated in your letter. In regard to Mail-agents, we will accord them all the space necessary to aid them in their duties, and will see that every reasonable convenience is extended to them. Yours, &c, Oceanic Steamship Company. John D. Spreckels, President. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington.

No. 33. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Resident Agent for New Zealand, San Francisco. (Telegram.) Wellington, 21st November, 1900. Ask Spreckels to instruct captain "Alameda" reach San Francisco in good time catch Saturday steamer New York. Failing this, arrange departure Auckland 7th December. Very serious. Reply immediately.

No. 34. The Resident Agent for New Zealand, San Francisco, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) San Francisco, 22nd November, 1900. Spreckels instructs "Alameda" leave Sydney 2nd December. Arrange with the authorities Auckland give her all possible despatch.

No. 35. The Resident Agent for New Zealand, San Francisco, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) San Francisco, 4th December, 1900. " Mariposa " will be despatched 27th December. [Later altered to 26th.]

No. 36. The Hon. the Premier to the Agent-General. (Telegram.) Wellington, sth December, 1900. " Alameda" and " Mariposa" being utilised this month. Mails close Auckland sixth and twentyseventh to insure connection Saturday steamer New York.

No. 37. The Managing Director, Union Steam Ship Company, Dunedin, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Dunedin, 17th December, 1900. No advice from Spreckels about port of call, Samoa, but notice " Mariposa " called Pago Pago on down trip, and captain stated Pago Pago would now be port of call. Have you any information ? What do you advise?

2—F. 6.