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No. 21. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Deputy Postmaster-General, Sydney. Sir,— General Post Office, Wellington, 15th October, 1900. I have the honour to forward herewith, for your information, three copies of resolutions passed by the House of Representatives of this colony on the 11th instant, authorising the Government to enter into a temporary arrangement with the J. D. Spreckels and Brothers Company for the continuance of the San Francisco mail-service once every three weeks for a period not exceeding twelve months from about the 21st November, 1900. My telegram of the 12th instant will have informed you that the Postmaster-General had agreed to cancel the contract with the Union Steam Ship Company after the departure of the " Mariposa" on the 29th instant from Auckland and her arrival at San Prancisco, and the arrival of the " Moana" at Sydney about the 28th October. The result of this will be that there will be no outward steamer for San Francisco from Sydney on the 21st proximo. I have, &c, The Deputy Postmaster-General, Sydney. W. Gray, Secretary.

No. 22. Mr. J. H. Witheford, M.H.R., Auckland, to the Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. Sir,— Auckland, 18th October, 1900. I have received cable message from Mr. John D. Spreckels, president of the Oceanic Company, dated San Prancisco, 16th October, in which he agrees to take mail-matter on poundage basis, and gives the following dates of sailings from San Prancisco : — Copy of cable message: " I will take mails on poundage basis. Sailing-dates: 'Alameda,' 31st October ; ' Sierra,' 21st November ; ' Mariposa,' 12th December ; ' Sonoma,' 2nd January ; ' Ventura,' 23rd January." I am, &c, The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. J. H. Witheford.

No. 23. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Managing Director, Union Steam Ship Company, Dunedin. (Telegram.) Wellington, 19th October, 1900. Mr. Witheford has received a cable from Mr. Spreckels, stating that he will take up Frisco service for twelve months on the poundage basis agreed to by House of Representatives. The •following he cables as the sailings : " Alameda," 31st October; " Sierra," 21st November ; " Mariposa," 12th December; " Sonoma," 2nd January ; " Ventura," 23rd January. As there will be no steamer next month, it will be necessary to send two additional agents by the " Mariposa " to meet " Sierra's " mails. Presume, under the circumstances, yourself and Spreckels would agree to give free passage.

No. 24. The Hon. the Premier to the Agent-General. Sir, — Premier's Office, Wellington, 20th October, 1900. I have the honour to forward herewith three copies of a resolution passed by the House of Representatives on the 11th instant, relative to the San Prancisco mail-service. I have, &c, J. G. Ward, for the Premier. The Hon. W. P. Reeves, Agent-General for New Zealand, London.

No. 25. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the J. D. Spreckels and Brothers Company, San Francisco. Gentlemen, — General Post Office, Wellington, 20th October, 1900. I have the honour to forward herewith six copies of a resolution passed by the House of Representatives on the 11th instant, relative to the San Francisco mail-service. I have, &c, W. Gray, Secretary. Messrs. the J. D. Spreckels and Brothers Company, San Francisco. [Copies also sent under cover of letter of same date to the Managing Director, Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand (Limited), Dunedin; the Superintendent of Foreign Mails, Post Office Department, Washington, D.C.; and Mr. H. Stephenson Smith, Resident Agent for New Zealand, San Francisco.]