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It was decided that a committee be formed to prepare a draft report, such committee consisting of the Chairman (Mr. A. W. Hogg, M.H.8.) and Messrs. Gilfedder, Davidson, Hill, Weston, and Stewart. The evidence of Mr. G. Hogben, M.A., was continued, and he placed before the Commission a scheme of staffs and salaries on the basis of a £4 ss. capitation (Exhibit No. 110). It was decided to ask the Education Department to furnish a statement of the number of schools in the colony in the several grades and classes of the scheme presented by Mr. Hill. Mr. Weston placed before the Commission Exhibit No. 108. The secretary placed before the Commission Exhibit No. 109. A statement was received from Mr. W. F. Ford. At 2.30 p.m., in the absence of the Chairman, Mr. S. Luke presided. A vote of thanks was passed to the Board, its officers, and witnesses ; also to Mr. Luke for his services as temporary Chairman. The Commission adjourned sine die.

Tuesday, 16th July, 1901. The Commission met at 11 a.m. at the Parliamentary Buildings, Wellington. Present: Mr. S. Luke (in the chair) ; Mr. T. Mackenzie, M.H.8., Mr. M. Gilfedder, M.H.B. ; Mr. T. S. Weston, Mr. H. Hill, 8.A., Mr. W. Davidson, Mr. B. D. Stewart, and Mr. J. Smith. The minutes of the previous meeting of the Commission, and of the last meeting of the committee, were read and confirmed. The secretary placed before the Commission scales Nos. 1 and 2, recommended by the committee ; these were received, and consideration of them was deferred. It was decided to apply to His Excellency the Governor for a further extension of time of fourteen days, and that a committee, consisting of the Chairman and Messrs. Weston, Mackenzie, and Hill, explain to the Hon. the Minister of Education the reasons for the application. A committee, consisting of the Chairman and Messrs. Weston, Davidson, and Stewart, was appointed to select matter from the exhibits and statements for printing. The Commission adjourned sine die.

Friday, 26th July, 1901. The Commission met at 2 p.m. Present: Mr. T. S. Weston (in the chair); Mr. T. Mackenzie, M.H.8., Mr. F. Y. Lethbridge, M.H.8., Mr. M. Gilfedder, M.H.8.; Mr. S. Luke, Mr. H. Hill, 8.A., Mr. J. Smith, Mr. W. Davidson, and Mr. B. D. Stewart. The minutes of the previous meeting of the Commission were read and confirmed. Mr. Weston, as acting-chairman of the sub-committees appointed to deal therewith, laid before the Commission, —(1) A recommendation as to the printing of certain exhibits ; (2) a recommendation that no statements, other than those of witnesses, be published ; (3) a copy of the draft report, with Appendices A to F (including scales Nos. 1 and 2, and tables). These were received by the Commission. Mr. Hogg entered, and occupied the chair. It was resolved, — (1.) That the Hon. the Minister of Education be asked to grant a bonus to the secretary of the Commission. (2.) That an appreciation of the excellent services of the official reporters, Messrs. G. F. McGirr and B. G. Thomson, be recorded, and that a copy of the resolution be sent to each. (3.) That a hearty vote of thanks be recorded to Mr. G. Hogben, M.A. (Secretary for Education and Inspector.of Schools), also to the members of the staff, for valuable assistance rendered to the Commission, and that letters be written to the Minister of Education and Mr. Hogben acknowledging the indebtedness of the Commission to the Education Department. (4.) That a hearty vote of thanks be recorded for the able manner in which the Chairman of the Commission had presided over the deliberations of the Commission. The Chairman thanked the members for the last resolution, and expressed the pleasure afforded him by his connection with the Commission. During the sitting the Commission considered the draft report, and Mr. Weston and the secretary were instructed to have the report printed, with certain amendments. The Commission adjourned at 10.30 p.m. until 2 p.m. on Monday, the 29th July.

Monday, 29th July, 1901. The Commission met at 2 p.m. Present: Mr. A. W. Hogg, M.H.B. (in the chair), Mr. T. Mackenzie, M.H.8., Mr. M. Gilfedder, M.H.8.; Mr. T. S. Weston, Mr. S. Luke, Mr. H. Hill, 8.A., Mr. J. Smith, Mr. W. Davidson, and Mr. B. D. Stewart. The minutes of the previous meeting of the Commission were read and confirmed. It was resolved, — (1.) That a full copy of the report and minutes of evidence be sent to the head-teacher of each school, the Chairman of each School Committee, and to all members of Education Boards. (2.) That a copy of the report, with appendices attached thereto, be sent to each teacher in the colony. The Commission adopted the final revise of the report, with Appendices A to G. Mr. Gilfedder drew attention to a report that action was being taken by the Wellington Education Board against the Chief Inspector of Schools on account of certain evidence given before the Commission.

The Chairman explained that the statement referred to was only a repetition of one made by that officer previously, and that the action referred to was not really based on any part of his evidence. The Commission adjourned at 5 p.m. sine die.