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Discharges in 1900.

Government Schools. Private Schools. All Schools. Removed by Auckland. Burnham. Caversham. | t u^f ry | , Sα St^Mary's, ££ _ __. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. jG. G. B. G. j? 3 I Warrant of discharge .. .. f 4 27 1 20 10 2 2 4 32 I 9 82 30 112 Death .. .. .. .. ..11 .. 2 4 1 .. 1 1 I .. 5 6 11 To Costley Training Institution .. 4 2 .. 4 2 6 Reached age of 21 years .. .. 1! 1 8 3 5 .. 4 .. 1 .. 5 18 23 Marriage .. .. .. .. 1; .. 3 1 .. .. |.. .. 5 5 Totals ( 5 9 12 25 19 3 7 5 34 9 96 61 157 I ~~1l ~~41 44 10 43 ~~i57~" Numbers op 1899 and 1900 compared.

Inmates. 1899. 1900. Increase or Decrease. In the schools .. .. .. .. 590 590 Boarded out .. .. .. .. 417 409 _ 3 With friends .. ■ .. .. .. 138 138 At service .. .. .. .. .. 453 472 +19 In hospital .......... 7 2 -5 In lunatic asylum ........ 2 3 +1 In gaol .......... 4 3 -1 In Blind Asylum, Auckland ...... 1 2 +1 In Costley Training Institution .... 1 2 +1 Under control of refuges or cognate institutions.. 28 33 +5 Orphanage, Cottage-home, &o. .... 5 8 +3 In School for Deaf-mutes ...... 1 1 Absent without leave ....... .21 32 +11 In Receiving-home, Wellington .... .. 4 +4 In Receiving-home, Ghristchurch .... .. 4 +4 Totals .. .. .. 1,668 1,703 + 35

No. 4. MEDICAL OFFICERS' REPORTS. Auckland. Sir,— Auckland, Ist April, 1901. I now send you my report on the Auckland Industrial School for the year ending the 31st March, and am glad to be able to state that the children under my care have been free from epidemic disease during the past year. There are some cases of constitutional character which require attention from time to time, and of these the progress has been in the main satisfactory. One especially, a girl sent up from the South, has greatly improved. The new location of the school at Mount Albert has proved in every way beneficial to the inmates; but additional rooms are urgently required, and will, I trust, soon be provided. The laying on of an adequate supply of water, just about completed, will be an important advantage to the institution. It is to be hoped that the provision of gas may not be long delayed, inasmuch as the risk of fire from the use of kerosene much exceeds the risk from lighting by gas. I have, &c, Arthur G. Purchas, M.E.C.S., Eng., The Secretary, Education Department, Wellington. Medical Officer. Canterbury. Sir,— Ohristchurch, Ist June, 1901. I have the honour to report that no serious illness occurred in the Burnham Industrial School during 1900. The most important circumstance was the murderous assault made by H G , aged nearly sixteen, on the Manager, Mr. Archey, whom he stabbed with a knife in the base of the neck on the 30th August. Mr. Archey was in great danger for more than a week. C was tried at the Supreme Court and sentenced to one year's imprisonment with hard labour. Although he was sent to Burnham at the age of three, he was boarded out most of the time, so that the total amount of his residence at Burnham was only one year and two weeks. From October, 1897, to April, 1900, he was licensed to five different employers, all of whom reported him lazy and dirty in his habits. During this period he absconded five times from service. lam strongly