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Church of England; Eoman Catholic, 66; Presbyterian, 25 ; Methodist, 8; Baptist, 2; Congregational, 1; Church of Christ, 1; "Protestant," 1. TABLE U. —Admissions, classified acoobding to Pabents' Circumstances and Characthe, 1900.

On account of the earnings of inmates belonging to Government industrial schools there was, on 31st December, 1900, a balance in the Post Office SavingsBank of 5611,137 Is. Id., and on account of inmates on the books of private industrial schools, .£1,527 18s. 7d. During the year £1,377 16s. 6d. was withdrawn for inmates of Government schools, and £88 ss. 6d. for inmates of private schools. In Table W is shown the expenditure on the Government schools, including the cost of inmates boarded out, the salaries of the resident staffs, of the medical officers, of three official correspondents, and of two visiting officers of licensed-out inmates; the table also gives the amounts of the recoveries from Charitable Aid Boards, from parents, from the sale of farm produce, &c. TABLE W.—Expenditube on Govebnment Schools, 1900.

Table X shows the payments made by Government on account of inmates in private industrial schools, the recoveries, and the net expenditure by Government. The contributions from Charitable Aid Boards are made directly to the managers of these schools, and are not included in the recoveries shown.


Prec ident C' mditio: of Chi dren a> [mitted in 1900. p. © p * DC © 11 © <s o !H d o R D O © S3 CD 'Sin © m S3 a a eg a °<£ © s © M a o3 n pq 1« - o ft«: © ©<jf p ww Total. Fathers, described as © p CO © p si a "So © PC a CO ft £ > Mothers, described as Dead Dead Sick, lunatic, &c. Good Bad .. Deserter Dead Good Dead Sick, lunatic, &c. Good Bad Deserter Dead Sick, lunatic, &c. Good Unknown Bad .. Dead Sick, lunatic, &c. Good Bad .. Dead Good 5 5 1 1 5 1 2 2 1 6 5 2 8 2 13 11 4 4 1 7 2 27 26 1 7 1 12 2 8 10 2 14 20 2 8 Sick, lunatic, &c. 2 4 Good 1 2 6 2 2 1 2 4 1 • 1 2 2 19 4 1 1 14 Unknown 4 1 9 1 6 4 2 11 2 i 2 1 2 1 Bad" .. '.. 5 Deserter i 17 '2 'i 2 2 8 Totals .. 73 1 14 36 13 •• 55 192

Gross Cost of School. Cost of boarding out. Salaries of School (Included in Staff. (Included in preceding column.) first column.) Recoveries. Net Cost. School. i Auckland Burnham Caversham Te Oranga Home Receiving-home, Wellington .. Receiving-home, Christchurch £ a. d. 2,134 17 8 7,132 2 2 7,257 17 4 975 13 6 468 8 3 22 18 9 £ s. A. 712 16 11 2,541 0 1 3,323 9 9 £ s. d. 193 17 7 1,405 8 11 975 3 2 130 0 8 18 17 4 9 15 5 £ s. d. 628 9 0 1,656 19 1 2,898 8 10 261 9 8 100 6 3 £ s. d. 1,506 8 8 5,475 3 1 4,859 8 6 714 3 10 368 2 0 22 18 9 54'16 3 Totals 17,991 17 8 6,632 3 0 2,733 3 1 5,545 12 10 12,446 4 10 Salaries and expenses of visitin Travelling-expenses of other ofii Contingencies g officers icers .. 526 10 3 80 15 0 10 7 0 Tot lal 13,063 17 1